Bellum's Records

"They transcend Ancient Gods after all. So even if it is them transcending themselves and becoming Transcendentals, their power should be more terrifying than that."

The Lord of Darkness did not shy away at his own insecurities, and laid them bare, not afraid of their jusgement. Even the Lord of Balance was not expectant of this.



"I know, sending Cosmological Gods, or more Transcendentals is useless, but we do not have any Supreme beings that would be allowed within the God Realm."

"Let alone Creators. This is just to make myself feel better and calm about the situation. My apologies, but I would not be able to concentrate otherwise."

They further explained themselves with a poker face, causing the Sword Lord to click his tongue in wonder as he responded. "Dont worry, I'll send five Transcendentals, two Elders and a Cosmological Firnd towards the place. Happy?"