Faith Burst I

Back to Enigma...

Enigma was left there, lost in both thought and emotions, feeling a bit empty inside. He felt like he just lost an important person in his life, someone irreplaceable.

Now that he thought about it, he had been with the system ever since he descended, for as long he could remember. From his time alone in the World Forest, to meeting Nia, to fighting David, to fighting the Colossal Bird, to being teleported to the God Realm, to meeting Herara and her brother, to fighting Abby, to gaining laws, until today.

They had been together all this time, and now, they finally separated. And they might never meet ever again after this even. And unfortunately, he just had to break through right now.

The timing was imperfect!!!

『ID: Enigma Mystique』

『Congratulations for breaking through. You have gained a new Unique Divinity, "Nature Presider". You do not have any Elementary Laws for Evolution. Thus you have a single chance saved up』