Cause And Effect

Even Transcendentals could be laid bare for him to see through to an Irresistible Degree. What was there for him to fear, or worry about when he could always be ahead of his opponents?

He turned to gaze at the cloaked being, only to realize that she was gone. He immediately came to a conclusion of what happened, from what he saw on her being.

'First, "Phantom Condition" to remove my defenses, then "Commandment Inducement" to try and override my thoughts. Followed by "Camouflage", "Invisibility", "Imperceptibility" and "Tracking Evasion" huh?'

'How impressive. And last but not least, "Illusive Suggestion" to try and sneakily convince me that she fled. A high Battle Awareness, I have to recommend you for that....' He thought, highly impressed.

'Unfortunately, my thoughts are innately immune to such Skills. Even Divine Skills. So, a pity indeed.' He thought as his body easily broke through the effects of the Commandment.