Shocking Gods

"I cannot bring myself to do that. Trusting you snakes, is as good as committing suicide." Hypno was the one to respond, and knowing these two well, I guess it's sealed.

I'm not fit to be trusted.


Indeed, it is as such. Aeneas did not speak, but his actions more than said enough. And I did not bother explaining myself, for the more I spoke, the more I'd make mistakes.

After all, pulling back now would still be possible. But I would not like that to happen. Not at all. At the very least, not this time.

"Well, I hope we can at least, work together, until we are out of this situations that a certain someone... put us into." I said and shifted the blame, my eyes sat upon a certain cloaked figure.

You're neither ugly, nor beautiful. What are you hiding for? A lot of us have seen you without the cloak on. Why act so mysterious now?
