Devourer of Gods

Everything was still unstable.

And that moment, was the very moment that Enigma acted. His hand burst out into silver mist that went to cloak Sun God Sane as Instantaneous as he was restricted.

He took the opportunity when the target was clouded by Wrath and Insanity, as well as his confusion of being restricted, to act. And after that... he Devoured!!


It all happened so fast, the other Gods failed to react even by a moment. They could only watch agape, as they saw the spherical silver mist that appeared and swallowed Sane's entire being, instantaneously shrink into itself.

Enigma did not risk it at all. He used the Irresistible authority of Fate and Destiny, alongside Reiki reserves that could make even Supreme Gods cry in shame to seal the deed.

He was not being overly cautious. He was just afraid the difference in Realm levels, would negatively influence his actions. But as a True God, was that even possible?