Athena's Chronicles - Perfect Opportunities

Why were the three Aspects not in Equilibrium?

Maybe that was the reason why the World itself experienced no evolution of sorts. Maybe that was the reason why everything was so disoriented.

Such points, and many more made the World Will believe that maybe the three Aspects were meant to be in Equilibrium. Thus, going along with Athena's crazy plans.

But the World Will was a bit too convinced, as to even speed up things, it increased the individual size of each Continent twofold, using the newfound Faith from Enigma and Allen.

The Faith from the two brothers, and all other True Gods who dared to create powerful Chosens. Altogether, it succeeded, as now, each Continent was two fold.

And Athena seeing that, used the Faith she had, to 'donate' towards this project, as the Continents continously increased in size, being more than three times their usual size now.