Rewriting Fate - Final Chapter

John and Florence saw through his conflicted expressions and thus didn't say anything. A man had to manage his own family, unless he wasn't worthy to be called a man.

"We are here." Hilda said as she opened the door to one of the innermost rooms they had appeared to. Causing a fresh breeze to blow towards them.

And within, it seemed like a miniaturized garden of nature. Small and friendly animals, greenery everywhere as well as trees and springs, a blue sky and fluffy white clouds.

And there, lying in the middle of all of this was the young beauty, Bella. Her appearance was still a bit short and cute, but now she seemed to be a whole degree thinner.

Her complexion was pale, and her breathing was barely stable. Seeing her like this, Enigma temporarily threw away his thoughts about the future that might not even happen as he moved over.