Cheryl's Chronicles - Heavenly Dao Comprehension

Meanwhile, both Heavenly King and the Elemental Queen were shocked speechless about this discovery. She was not faking it now. They regretted never digging in too much into these people!!!

They were descendants of legendary beings!!! Ones that might have ended the last Era, an Era of Primal beings, and creating the nine world dimension, a higher dimension at that.

"...Three, our eldest sister cherishes the Reincarnation of Death, his wife... I know it's complicated, she's trying to take in the Reincarnation of her grandmother, and her idol, as her disciple."

"The Queen of Hell also wants to take the dragon ancestor as her foster daughter as well. The structure of this family is chaotic. Aunt Sraet took advantage of Extreme South's lost memories to make him call her aunt, though she failed and is in good terms with him."

