Bold Aspirations And Bold Actions

Enigma sat before Bella, who was still having her change as of yet, undergoing a new transformation as her race and origin were being modified bit by bit by the presence of "Chaos" within her womb.

Besides him was a weary looking Allen, who was lying down languidly while eating a bunch of fruits and appreciating the beauty of his future sister-in-law to be. Unlike usual, he wore clothes, albert they were a bit too loose around his body.

Behind them stood a respectful, yet out of place Florence as she watched from the sidelines. Either than her, there was Herara, Hera, Code, Jim, John and a few other Heroes under both ladies present.

Reynolds Heroes were also brought here as they stood from afar, listening to the secrets of the past that Reynolds would die to know about. While Blue, his champion, stood besides Florence.