Freedom At Last II

The likes of touching it, was no different than a human dipping their hand in lava. Yet Athena did so, without any fear nor hesitation. She stretched out her hand, and let it sink within the presence of Terra.

And to her expectations, her hand was completely fine whatsoever. And this brightened the smile above her lips to shine even brighter than the sun, as she knew, she knew that she had broken through the barrier of Terra, and touched upon its soft spot.

"That's it. It might not be much, but I'll give you all care and attention you deserve Terra. I'll give you the freedom you deserve, the freedom to experience love and affection." She added, sinking her body completely within the presence of Terra, and bathing within the power of creation.

It was a never before seen scenery, nor experience. She felt her Laws bubble up in excitement, as they felt a Mystery that was far above anything Supremes could achieve. A Mystery that was purely absolute!!