The Dragon Empire V

Now that he thought about it, Athena was terrifying. She knew of things that even he, the concept of Knowledge, was unaware of. And they were both at the same level or power and influence!!

It was terrifying!!

Neonate also turned around to take a look, and couldn't help but frown as well. "Speaking of this, what do you think we must do? Twenty years isn't enough for us to catch up to the five of them. And that's if they don't alert their Pantheons."

"We literally have the Dark, Light and even Monster Pantheons going after us. We cannot do this by ourselves." She added, a sigh of helplessness escaping her lips. "We need help. Perhaps, we should involve The Lord? He should have a way, right?"

She thought. Rumors already spread out that Enigma had defeated four Transcendental Gods by himself months back. And his realm was weaker than theirs. So perhaps, it would work out, if she took on one of them, and he took on the rest?