The Ultimate Ragnarok I

One of his bodies was with Enigma's Path of Fate, as they went towards the Infinite Realms. Su Han and the third were busy. As for the second, he had a mission in Purgatory too. The fouth, was weak. The fifth was nowhere to be found, as Nia's Domain is hard to trace even for Supremes.

The sixth, was the only one available at the moment, but he was far deep into the Endless Seas. "Fine. I'll see which one will come to my rescue. Until then, I'll see if I can hold off against a Supreme by myself." He hyped himself up.

What was a mere Supreme to him, when he had to face countless Creators in the near future? He thought as such, forgetting that even with his potential, a Supreme God, even the weakest, was three major Realms above him.

And something more terrifying, was that Supreme Gods were above the Laws, all established Laws of Existence. They transcended them, and as for him? He was still using the Laws as his weapons.