Chapter Three

I woke up at the hospital with Sarah sleeping by my side, one arm across my belly.

After two years of having nightmares of the accident night I've become used to the pain and fear that comes with it. It became a part of me.

But this new nightmare was different. Not only because it was the first nightmare unrelated to that night I've ever had in almost two years but it was the first nightmare where I was aware,and yet it felt so real. Weird.

I cautiously climbed off the bed to avoid waking Sarah up, and the only other thing alive in the dim room was the TV playing cartoon on mute.

I walked to a small closet in the room and saw the plastic bags containing my clothes and fishing wears. I put on the clothes, leaving the fishing wear in their plastic.

I saw Sarah move out of the corner of my eye.

"...I'm going to find the doctor"

She eyed me suspiciously in the dark. "Why didn't you use this?" she pointed at the call button by the bed.


She regarded me in silence then laid back on the bed and turned her back at me.


I walked back to the bed, and laid beside her face to face. Her eyes were shut and it was dark but I felt the tear going down her cheek rather than see it.

I moved her head into my chest and her sobs got louder.

"I don't know what you are thinking, So." I said. "But I would rather die than leave you"

"...what's the difference?" she asked in between sobs and I couldn't help but chuckled.

"I guess they are the same thing" I replied "but you get my point"


The way she dragged the 'no' put a glee in it that always made me soft inside. I kissed the top of her head and with that we fell in a retreating sobbing silence.

She soon fell back asleep soon after but I maintained our position unable to do the same.

I couldn't help but think about the dream. It felt so real and though nothing happened it was scarier than the accident night. The accident nightmares were always so quick like a flashback and then it's gone, keeping me awake for the rest of the night.

But this one?

This one was slow. Real and for a reason I couldn't explain I desperately didn't want to be there.

The light of the room came on, and I looked up to find Dr. Patel, now out of her doctor's clothes.

"What are you smiling about?" she asked as she walked to the bed. "Maddie took care of the bills so you are ready to go."

It made me happy seeing that Mrs. Patel was still okay. The relief I felt made it feel like I was waiting to see her to confirm just that. That was how real the nightmare was.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"6.40am" she said without checking her watch. "Come on I will give you guys a ride home."

She gently collected Sarah from the bed, and after I collected the rest of my things we left the room.

I've never liked walking side by side with Mrs. Patel. I always preferred a few steps back, and after that nightmare it was like I needed it more than ever.

"You know you might turn into some kind of a creep if you keep doing that" her voice brought me out of my head.

"I think it would be weird if I ignore all this" replied as a joke and even though I meant it she didn't say anything back. She never says anything back.

She moved in a few blocks away from us when I was still a kid, and after the death of our parents she, and sometimes Maddie were the closest adult we could have as family. She wasn't around that much but whenever she was she would sometimes try to help without making it obvious that she was helping. I would like to say that made me develop a crush on her but that would be dishonest.

Though almost the same height at 5'9 I think she was 38,39 at that time. Rumors had it that she was married before. Twice in the city but was divorced and so decided to move here to start afresh. Some even went as far as to say she was some kind of a porn star in the city and had to run away to a rural area where no one knew her to start a new life.

I believed the porn star story because it was hard for me to believe that there was someone out there who had someone like her and let it go. And the worst part? There were two of them? Insane.

"Do you know where Jake normally stays when he doesn't want to be found?" Mrs. Patel asked as she eased Sarah into the back of her 2022 Subaru Forester.

"No." I replied getting in the front of the seat. "Why?"

"Put your seat on" she said when she joined me. "His mother hasn't seen him since 2 days now. She's going crazy."

"Weird" I said as a closing remark but my brain was still working on something. Something I should know. Something about Jake. It was like it was right there before me but I couldn't grasp it.

Then I remembered the dream. The old man I knew I should know.

Instantly in my head I placed his desperate, impatient cold face side by side with that of the bubbly, always joking Jake of Gate high School. It was hard to see but it was there. The man looked like an older version of Jake, even more than Jake's father but there was more to it than that.

"I'm afraid for that young man" said Mrs. Patel. "He is too soft hearted to be out there alone"

"He will be alright" I found myself saying with conviction and Mrs. Patel gave me a weird look and drove on.

I knew I was right though I just didn't know why...yet