chapter two

"When I was annoyed, overjoyed or any other strong emotion they would inject a substance into my arm, I felt my body fail me...

   like if they had put me to sleep, but my mind wanted to work... it was a fight but her, she made it better..."

   Children Unit.5, was found in building twelve not much different from the other eleven buildings but inside the rooms, they were allowed to personalise to their taste so maybe it would be easier for her to detect their personalities by that, humans were complicated she couldn't comprehend why they showed so much emotion if that only made them weaker and from what she had seen they weren't much different in that aspect from the other division, but she suspected this was Adam's plan as he wanted her to be as similar as possible to them, disgusting, he made her be like this and now, suddenly, he wanted her to change, but orders are orders and she knew he wouldn't give up until he got his way, nothing less expected from a human.

   Every building had ten main rooms and two bedrooms that could fit five humans each, not much privacy but she suspected that was what "the council" wanted but that was beside the point, she only went there for one reason. She was accompanied by Adam and five guards, rare for him to leave the main building but this was a rare occasion so it wasn't surprising for her and if it was she wouldn't show it as it was a dispensable emotion like the rest of them...

   Adam walked into the main room first with two guards causing the children to forget what they were doing and get up a greeting Adam, "unit.5" he said calmly "you've all shown a strong performance and now to get to your full potential we are adding a new member to your unit" when he finished there were some grunts from the children but she was outside so it wasn't possible to see who did it "come in!" Adam called her, she entered calmly with the three other guards "introduce yourself" he ordered politely "I'm sorry to interrupt sir but that is an infant" a boy spoke up "Adam did not give you permission to speak thank you very much so shut up" she replied annoyed "now there is no need for fighting, may you please introduce yourself" Adam avoided continuing the argument "I am code 001" the girl said still not showing any emotions or facial expressions "how may that be? You can't be older than thirteen" another girl questioned "you see children, code 001 was my first experiment with freezing humans, she was a frozen embryo until twelve years ago when I finally decided she was ready" Adam explained proudly "now may you please introduce yourself, unit" he added "I am Abbey, code 2059" the girl that had just questioned code 001 introduce herself, she had black hair and beautiful black skin with golden glasses "I'm Eva, code 2086" another girl said as she examined code 001 up and down, she had red hair, freckles  and white skin "I'm Austin, code 2410" a boy introduce himself with a very confident tone, he had dark brown hair with brown skin and a birth mark around his eye that was a little darker in comparison to his skin "I'm Kylie, code 2737" another girl said, she had blonde hair with white skin and some scars on her face, Austin pushed the other boy signalling for him to introduce himself "I'm Alex, code 2867" he said obviously not interested in being friends, he had black hair and white skin with no other noticeable features "I see you've all been introduced so I will be leaving now, tomorrow you all will have training with me to show your potentials to code 001, and remember bedtime is at ten o'clock" Adam said still with that calm smile plastered to his face.

   When Adam left with his five guards code 001 immediately directed herself to the girl's room leaving the children alone in the main room, in the room code 001 saw four beds two having some sort of object on them, one untidy and the other looked like it had never been touched so she immediately concluded that was hers, she had been handed a tiny bag by one of the guards that probably held some of the few possessions she had obtained over the years on something they called a "birthday", it was something that humans did once a year so for missions, it was an extra detail if needed to be more like them.

     She was sleeping in the top bunk apparently so instead of a bedside table she had a shelf where she put a picture, some tiny souvenirs she had been given by Adam to remind her of the places she had been on missions and some weapons and her bed she put a black teddy that she had been also given by Adam on her first "birthday", she didn't know why she kept these things it only brought her bad memories but she guessed that wasn't the intention and it was for her to become more human.