chapter ten

"Twelve years...

  I've been stuck like this for twelve years, I'm tired...

  Me, created to kill not to feel or anything else but they got that one wrong, idiotic, couldn't even spare me all that pain they caused me..."

  Alex looked over to Eva with a confused and desperate expression, he sighed and looked back at the sky "it's been about two years... no one knows except you, not even Abbey" he admitted, "shit you're hiding it that much?" Eva asked shocked, she chugged some more of her drink into her mouth "I'm just not ready, I want to be but I'm trapped" he explained in a desperate tone "well who's trapping you?" She questioned "what?" Alex was confused at how that could even be a question "well someone needs to be holding you down because I know you too well and you would never sabotage yourself" she explained "I don't know, I don't even know if I'm gay and you're asking me that" he admitted "look pall, this world is a bunch of shit but there are people you know you're safe with so you don't need to know if you are straight, gay, pan or whatever, you need to know who treats you well and who you need to beat up" Alex chuckled at Eva's explanation "so what's going on between you and Liam? Are you two dating?" Eva asked "no... he's just a friend" Alex looked disappointed at his answer but Eva knew he was speaking the truth "but you want more than a friend I'm guessing" Eva wasn't new to these feelings and she could definitely give some advice on the topic "I don't know, I have someone but-" Alex tried explaining himself "let me guess, he's a real piece of shit, this ain't my first rodeo" Eva guessed "ughhhh, this is such a shitty world!" Alex complained as he laid down on the roof "agreed!" Eva laid down next to him "I wonder how society outside deals with people like us..." Alex said "I don't think they do it much better than here" Eva pointed out "yeah I guess so... but anyways what are you and my bestie doing alone these days?" Alex had noticed that Eva and Abbey had been going for walks alone for some time now "fucking work! This organisation never gives us a break!" Eva hated being dragged by the organisation to do chores "welp good luck because Abbey never cuts anyone any slack" Alex laughed at the memories of Abbey scolding him for doing dumb stuff "she would be livid if she found out that we are getting drunk on the rooftop of our building" Eva commented as she joined Alex laughing "you're right, well then lucky for us we are trained to keep secrets" it was very obvious that both teens had some drinks but they were still not heavily drunk "well nice chat but we need to get going or being drunk won't be our only problem!" Eva got up and helped Alex, they both hid their bottles under their beds and went to sleep.

   Morning came too quickly but the unit was happy as code 001 would be coming back from the recuperation centre, everyone waited in the main room for the girl that hadn't been seen since yesterday, some screams could be heard from the corridor worrying the unit as the voice that made those noises wasn't new, the doors to the main-room quickly opened and code 001 was pushed inside and with no explanation, the doors were closed "Jesus! These guards get ruder by the minute!" Austin commented "hello everyone, sorry for how long my recuperation took, I am ready for any mission now that I'm out of bed" code 001 said shocking everyone "code 001 you don't need to apologise for being injured your just a kid and you actually healed much faster than expected" Abbey tried assuring the girl "ok then" she replied simply "well time for breakfast!" Austin announced "yes! Austin's cooking!" Abbey cheered. The unit sat down, Alex and Eva sitting on the couch and the rest at the kitchen island "has anyone noticed how Alex and Eva haven't complained all morning" Austin pointed out getting some dirty looks from Alex and Eva that were just trying to get through the morning in peace "code 001 can you take these to plates to Alex and Eva" Kylie asked as she handed two bowls of porridge to code 001 "yes" she replied, the girl handed the duo the plates plus a pill for each of them "what's this for?" Alex said nearly whispering "it helps with headaches that you two are going to have a lot today" code 001 explained, they both shared a look and quickly swallowed the pill that they had been given "ok everyone, attention! It's nearly the end of the year so that means the ceremony is coming, so for the unit's sake be descent!" Abbey pleaded "I wonder if our unit is going to win," Kylie said, "what do you think code 001?" Kylie asked the girl "from the footage that I've watched of this unit you all have a higher chance than other units but I can't confirm anything" code 001 replied "ok then, well everyone! Today is training with no supervision so I will be in charge!" Abbey explained, "fuck yeah!" Eva cheered "language!" Kylie warned.

   The training was outside again as Abbey wanted to see how everyone was fighting individually against the robots, provided for the unit's training, "ok unit! Everyone chose your robot, just stand in front of them and commence battle!" Abbey explained, Kylie was visibly nervous as she was not a fighter and was much better at healing or managing protection devices "I will be helping code 2737" code 001 said walking over to the girl "code 001 you're supposed to train" Abbey was shocked at how much courage the girl held "just got ignored by a twelve-year-old! Great leadership Abbey!" Alex laughed at his friend but then got punched in the face by a robot quickly changing his mood.