

⎯♡ The sound of jiggling keys fills the air around you as you unlock your front door. You quickly close the door behind you to escape the nippy night air and slide off your sneakers.

You put the keys away before going to your mom's room to divvy up the snacks you had brought.

"Hey Mom, can I come in?" You beckon knocking on her apricot door.

The silence is all that answers your question. Curious, you open your mom's door slowly creeping in.

You walk up to her still figure, shaking her trying to catch her attention. Alas, she doesn't answer.

"Hey Mom, I got your snacks," you whisper to her thinking she is just sleeping.

She murmurs back in her sleep which makes you smile.

"I'll just leave them in the kitchen for you, I love you," you gently hug her before quickly stepping out and shutting the door close.

You put your mom's favorite drink in the fridge and the rest of the snacks on the counter before venturing to your room.

You toss the plastic bag on your bed and take off your f/c coat. You sit down on your bed while scrolling through your phone when you get the notification that your favorite show has just aired new episodes.

So you decide to take a shower before getting in bed to eat and watch the show. The warm water would also do you some good.

Quickly throwing together some pajamas, you grab your towel and head to your bathroom to clean yourself off.


You squeal in excitement as you open your laptop to go watch the show. You have set up your snacks and even put your phone on silent so you won't get interrupted.

As you start to start to watch the new episodes, you snuggle up in your soft blankets with your snacks at a grabbable distance.

Though you are filled with much anticipation, it only takes you three episodes to inevitably fall asleep.

A sudden noise comes from your room, as your window slowly lifts. A hand grasps the window seal for support as it delicately lifts its body through so as to not alert you.

A familiar figure looms over your cozy body.

H/n fawns over your figure blushing to himself as you pay no attention in your sluggish, dreamy state.

"Y/n I hope forgive me, but you must understand! I did it for us!" He declares with various emotions swimming in his voice.

"You feel so warm, your delicate face," he transitions to a softer tone as his hand caresses your cheek.

"So peaceful," he whispers to no one but himself as he traces over your sleeping figure.

"May I steal a kiss?" He whispers to you knowing you are unable to answer as your mind is elsewhere.

"I-I just can't resist," he sweetly sighs before leaving an intimate touch of his lips on your cheek dangerously close to your own.

He stays to watch you a bit more before leaving another embrace of lips on your forehead and solemnly whispering goodbye and fleeting the same way which he had entered.