Denzel suddenly pushed himself backward, "what are we doing?" he asked Rosie. "I told you that we are just friends, now give me the camera I want to see the picture", Denzel said and Rosie gave the camera in his hand and left. He did not try to stop him.


Luna was looking at that document in her phone, "I will make more money with you", Luna said to the document and put her phone aside and asleep.


Early in the morning, the sound of Luna's phone alarm woke Alayah and Elin up, but Luna was still sleeping, "Luna, wake up girl, or at least shut this alarm", Alayah said and took Luna's phone to shut the alar, as soon as she put the phone on silent she saw that document in Luna's phone, she could not believe on her eyes, Luna opened her eyes to see why the sound of alarm is not coming. She saw Alayah who was holding her phone.

"Sister, what are you doing? it is my phone!" Luna said, stood up and snatched the phone from her.

"Luna give me the phone!", Alayah shouted.

"But sister..." Luna said but Alayah shouted, "Shut up and give me the phone", Luna gave her the phone.

"This is the document Mrs. Grendel gave to the court, Luna, what have you done? Luna!! what have you done, and why? what are you up to?" Alayah said and started weeping.

"Why... Why you even took picture of that document? When did you do and talk to Mrs. Grendel? Do you have any conscience?", Alayah asked wile weeping, Luna felt embarrassed and started weeping too.

"Alayah, now thing what we can go next", Elin tried to calm her.

"Elin, what is done is done! Poor Harry, I just cannot believe, how shamelessly you bought presents from that money, the hell with those presents Luna, the hell!" Alayah cried.

"Sister", Luna said while seeping.

"Just shut up, and get out of my sight! just get out!" Alayah said, Luna stood up to leave.

"What am I going to do now? Elin what am I supposed to do now?" Alayah cried again.

"Alayah, Alayah, just calm down", Elin said worriedly.

"Elin that shameless woman still offers me a job, how? she is just a snake, I will never work with her", Alayah said, "they trusted me, my sister cheated them, I feel like I cheated them, Why my sister do so? I just can't believe she is my sister", Alayah said.

"Alayah, look Harry is very important for Aaron, if he finds out that you sister did so, he will obviously send Luna to jail, no doubt it will be a good lesson for her, but..." Elin said.

"Elin, she is my sister, I am supposed to protect my sister, but if he found out that my sister did so, she will kill me, I should tell him before anyone else do", Alayah said.

"Alayah, I don't think you should, I mean you are just thinking about Harry, I want you to think about Luna too, what he might do with your sister?", Elin said.


Mrs. Grendel was sitting with Harry on one of the table placed near swimming pool, she was spreading butter on a slice of bread.

"Harry, take it", she said.

"No, I don't like butter, put chocolate", Harry said.

"Harry, chocolate is very bad for health, even you will damage your teeth too, take it", she said.

"No, I want chocolate", Harry said.

"Come on sister, put some chocolate for him", Denzel said.

"Denzel? When did you came?" Mrs. Grendel asked.

"Just two seconds ago", he said.

"Uncle, I missed you", Harry said and hugged him.

"Denzel, come, have breakfast with us", she offered.

"No, I have taken my breakfast, but I want to eat something else", Denzel said and bite on Harry's cheek, "So delicious", he laughed.

"Harry I came here to get a good luck kiss from you, give it to me right now", Denzel said, and Harry gave him a flying kiss, Denzel pretended to catch it.

"That is it, thank you mister Harry for you precious time", Denzel said. Mrs. Grendel's phone rung, it was Alayah.

"Yes?" she said soon after picking the phone up.

"Mrs. Grendel, I wanted to tell you that I cannot work with you", Alayah said.

"But..." she was saying but Alayah disconnected the call.

"Alayah said that she does not want to work, I think she does not care about Harry", Mrs. Grendel said to Denzel.

"Harry, Alayah still loves you", Denzel whispered in Harry's ear.

"I know, and she knew that in few days my uncle will come to take me, that is why she is not coming here, he will come at my uncle's house", Harry said loudly.