"Get up Elin, change your clothes let's go to the gym, you need to be with Erik," Rosie said, Elin stood up, changed her clothes, and went outside with Rosie.


"Okay, Elin now you need to stand here until I give you the signal, I am going to talk to Erik," Rosie said and walked towards Erik who was busy in box squats, she joined her.

"Rosie, you came here early", Erik said.

"Yes, I just wanted to spend some extra time in the gym", Rosie said.

"Oh come on, a person like you doesn't need to go to the gym, I mean look at you, you eat all day and do not gain weight, you are really very lucky", Erik said.

"So, why are you here? I mean you got a girl, you should be with her right?" Rosie asked.

"Well, she is busy and hard-working lady, and could not give me enough time", Erik said.

"Erik, why do you like Elin?" Rosie asked.

"Because she is adorable, honest, genuine, no lies, no deception, she is very different", Erik said, and Rosie gave Elin the signal to come.

"Hello, Erik", Elin said.

"Elin, you are here? can you believe we were just talking about you," Erik said with a shocked face.

"Ha-ha, yes I can," she replied.

"Rose, she is Elin, the most famous fashion designer, and Elin she is Rosie," Erik said.

"You are really very beautiful", Rosie said to Elin.

"Thank you so much, Rosie", she said.

"So, Ms. Elin I know a very famous singer, she is searching for a best designer in the city, can I give her your number if you don't mind?" Rosie asked, and Elin got confused.

"What do you think Erik?" Rosie asked.

"Well I don't know much about this", Erik said, and his phone rung, "Excuse me ladies, give me few minutes I will join you," Erik said and left them.

"Rosie? what are you saying? why would a famous singer wants to wear my designs? what are you up to?" Elin asked.

"Erik trusts you, we can't destroy the image of Elin, we need to do something else," Rosie said.

"Oh, I am finished, I am just finished," Elin said worriedly.

"I am sorry Elin, I could not spend time with you, if you don't mind can we meet in evening?" Erik asked.

"Actually, Erik I..." Erik was thinking that how to say no but could find a reasonable answer.

"Actually today Elin is with me, she promised me to show me some designs from her fashion house", Rosie said.

"Yes, yes I promise", Elin said.

"Okay than, I need to go to the office, see you", Erik said and left the gym.

"Oh, Rosie, I just think that I am stuck in a bog, just don't know what to do", Elin said worriedly.

"Let's go", Rosie said.

"Where?" Elin asked with an absent mind.

"home", Rosie said.

"Come to my home, we will ask Alayah to cook something really delicious for us, she is really an expert", Elin offered her.

"Sure, lets go", Rossie said and they left.


Some knocked at the door, "Coming, coming", Alayah said and opened the door.

"Denzel? you are here?" Alayah asked.

"Yes, I was just on my way, I am going to see Harry as usual, so I thought about picking you too, we will meet Harry after that I will leave you at your working place, I mean at Aaron's house, come let's go", Denzel said.

"Denzel, actually I am not feeling good, so I will not go anywhere, I feel like spending time at home," Alayah said.

"Oh you should have called me, let me see," Denzel said and put his hand on Alayah's forehand to check the temperature, "Alayah you are burning, did you take the medicine?" he asked.

"No, I am not that sick," she said.

"You are! you need soup, I will cook, just tell me where is the kitchen?" Denzel said and entered into the house, and Alayah remained shocked.

"There", she pointed out towards the kitchen.

They entered into the kitchen, "do you have some onion and potatoes in your house?" Denzel asked.

"Of course", Alayah said, she was standing in front of the fridge, so Denzel held her hands and moved her aside, "stand here, please", he said and opened the fridge to get the onion and potatoes, "Oh, you got ginger too", he took ginger out.

"What else?" he thought, "yes, where is salt and pepper?" he asked, and Alayah pointed out towards the salt and pepper containers.

"And what about a pot?" Denzel asked.

"Oh, I am sorry, I did not ask you, Alayah am I allowed to use your kitchen, and...", Denzel asked and it made Alayah laugh.

"Yes you are", she replied.

"You might get tired if you kept on standing like this, go and take some rest, I will cook for you", he said.

Alayah sat on the table, Denzel prepared the soup and served it to Alayah, someone knocked at the door, Denzel said, "I am going to open the door, you just sit there", he said and opened the door, got shocked to see Rosie.

"Denzel?" Elin asked.

"Yes, come inside," he said.

"What are you doing here?" Denzel asked Rosie.

"I came to see fabric, I want Elin to design a dress for me but why you are here?" Rosie asked.

"I just came to pick Alayah but she was sick, so I cooked soup fo her," he said.

"For her?" Rosie asked.

"For all of us, sit there, I will bring two more plates", Denzel said and entered into the kitchen, and took two plates.

Once they finished the soup Elin said, "Denzel, the soup was really very delicious". "Oh, thank you, I am only expert in cooking this particular soup," Denzel said.

"Alayah, are you still woking for Aaron?" Rosie asked.

"Yes, and that is why I need to get well as soon as possible as I need to go to work", she said.

"I saw you with Harry, he feels happy when you are around", Rossie said.

"Well he is such a lovely child", Alayah said.

"You got energy to attract people," Rosie said and looked at Denzel who was consistently looking at Alayah, and this compliment was bit uncomfortable for Alayah.

"I mean you got positive energy", Rosie added.

"Alayah, I think you should not go to see Harry otherwise you will make Harry sick too", Elin said to Alayah.

"I think you should visit Mrs. Grendel's house, to transfer the infection in that witch", Rosie said, "I am sorry Denzel, I know she is your sister but I can't hold my mouth", she added.

"No, it is fine, I know my sister and her intentions", Denzel said.

"Denzel your soup is really giving me energy, give me few minutes I will go and get ready after that we will leave", Alayah said.

After a while, Alayah came, "Denzel, your soup was magical" she said.

"You really look fine", Denzel said. Rosie looked at them and said, "Denzel I am also coming, drop me too."

"Sure, let's go", Denzel said and they left.