Naughty Big Sister

Two hours later. Ling Yun, who was standing under the shower, was startled by someone entering the bathroom. He then looked back, and his eyes instantly widened, as his big sister walking in only covered in a towel.

"Why are you looking at me like that, Yun'er?" Ling Ling asked as she walked over to him in a flirtatious manner, after she arrived in front of him, she then whispered. "Does my body turn you on?"

Ling Yun did not answer her question, he then pulled and pressed her against the wall directly. "If you're behaving like this, then don't blame me if I eat you right now."

Ling Ling giggled at that. She then wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his lips directly, as she stuck her tongue in his mouth.

When she started it, Ling Yun welcomed her kiss right away, and they kissed passionately straight away. He then pulled the towel that covered her body, and he began to caress and squeeze her breasts.