Ling Yun Decission

After he returned from West Lake, Ling Yun immediately met his mother and Su Fei at the shop. They then went to Su Fei's house, because they had promised to check on her husband's condition.

"It's been a long time, Ling Yun." Wei Feng greeted them as soon as they walked into the house, he then turned to Yi Mingxia. "I didn't expect that he was your son, Sister Mingxia."

Yi Mingxia inwardly sighed, especially after Ling Yun confessed about his work, and also his relationship with several women, including Su Fei. "I myself only found out yesterday that he has known you and Su Fei since many years ago, Wei Feng."

Su Fei stiffened upon hearing that, and she then looked at Ling Yun questioningly.

Sensing that, Ling Yun turned his head and smiled at her, then nodded at her.