Talk With Song Mei

In Song Mei's room, only she, Yi Mingxia, and Yi Shu were now living, while Yi Shi had already left her grandmother's room.

"Aunt Mingxia, I want the same pill as grandma." Yi Shu whined as she embraced her aunt's arm; no woman could resist the temptation to stay young; even men were the same as them.

Yi Mingxia chuckled and whispered to her. 'If you want the pill, then you can ask Yun'er for it. I'm sure he will give it to you, especially if you take the initiative to serve him.'

'Huh? That pill is from Yun'er?' Yi Shu was shocked to hear that, and her face turned red at the thought of serving Ling Yun. Even though she isn't ready to be his woman yet, she enjoys being intimate with him. Apart from his Yang Qi being very strong, she also enjoyed the pleasure of being intimate with him.

Yi Mingxia inwardly laughed at her blushing; she then whispered again. 'How about we serve Yun'er together tonight?'