Su Fei Ignore Feng Wuji

"Mom, this is really great; I feel that my body is very different from before." Su Fei exclaimed happily after she completed her Phoenix Ritual. "Moreover, my cultivation has already reached the Peak Great Spirit Master Realm now."

"Unfortunately, you are only a half-Fire Phoenix; if you are a full-fledged Fire Phoenix, then your cultivation will be even higher after completing your ritual." Feng Ruxue dejectedly said.

Su Fei shook her head. "It's okay, Mom. I wasn't that greedy, and I'm quite satisfied with this result. This way I'm not too far behind Yun'er, and I can help him cultivate faster."

"Good." Feng Ruxue then gave her a red dress, which was the symbol of the main member of the Feng Clan, and after Su Fei finished getting dressed, they immediately went to meet Ling Yun.

However, Feng Wuji suddenly approached them. "Madam Feng, may I speak to your daughter?"

Feng Ruxue raised her eyebrows at his request; she then turned to her daughter.