Meet The Ling Clan IV

Su Fei shook her head. "If you really want to die, you can attack us now. However, not only will you die, but your Ling Clan will also be wiped out."

"You dare threaten me?" Ling Ming asked with a frown as he released his aura to suppress them.

Ling Jie looked confused at Su Fei, confused about her confidence. Obviously, his father could kill them easily.

"There's no point in talking to a senile old man like him, Fei'er." Ling Yun finally spoke; he already knew from the beginning of Ling Ming's cultivation level, because he couldn't fool the system. "He's too arrogant to realize the situation before him."

"What!?" They were shocked to hear that Ling Yun could still speak calmly, even though Ling Ming had already used his cultivation to suppress them.

As for Su Fei, they thought that Feng Ruxue gave her an artifact that enabled her to withstand his pressure.

"Do you realize it now?"