Unlock His Space Element**

Once they entered the room, Tang Zhiyi and Duan Wu immediately removed their clothes, undressing Ling Yun and causing him to smile wryly. "You guys are perverted!"

"Hehe." Tang Zhiyi chuckled upon hearing that, pushing Ling Yun down on the bed and crawling beside him. "It's been quite a while since I've had sex with you, and this will be my first time doing it with you after I became a cultivator, so I'm really looking forward to it."

"Me too! Since becoming a demon cultivator, I have never dual cultivated with you, so I also feel impatient to try it." Duan Wu also said to him as she crawled beside him, and she returned to his original form, leaving Ling Yun dumbfounded.

After a while, Ling Yun rubbed Duan Wu's ears. "Even though you have become a demon, you have become even prettier."

"Ahh~" Duan Wu moaned as Ling Yun did that. "Stop that! My ears are too sensitive."