Extreme Yin Woman

"Wow!" Zhi Hun actually cried and started them, then she said with a loud sob. "I... I'm so happy! I finally met another spirit!"

"Hmm? Why are you crying?" Ling Xi asked as she rubbed Zhi Hun's tiny head.

Zhi Hun shook her head. "Ever since I was born into this world, I have never met any other spirits, so I am happy to meet you two."

"It's okay, you will live with us in the future, so you won't feel lonely anymore." Ling Xi said with a low sigh, and Zhi Hun repeatedly nodded to her.

Ling Yun smiled, seeing them like that; he then said to all of them. "Starting tomorrow, we will enter into seclusion, and I have already prepared a place for all of you to train, so you won't be disturbed while I dual cultivate with the few of you."

"All right." They answered together.