The Situ & Nie Clans Trouble

After they disappeared, Ling Yun turned to Xuanyuan Xiang'er. "I want you to do something for me."

Upon hearing that, Xuanyuan Xiang'er frowned, stood up from her seat, and shouted at Ling Yun. "Hey! Although I have dual cultivated with you before, I am not your errand girl! If you want to do something, you can order someone else!"

"Hmm?" Ling Yun walked up to Xuanyuan Xiang'er, and his eyes turned blood-red, causing her to tremble and stagger backward. "Do you know why you are still alive?"

"What do you mean by that?" Xuanyuan Xiang'er frowned even more.

Upon arriving before her, Ling Yun immediately grabbed Xuanyuan Xiang'er by the neck. "Did you think I didn't know you had joined the Mo Clan? You, Feng Hao, Feng Xinyun, and He Yi were their spies to take over those ancient clans."