Meet Liao Yu

When Ling Yun activated the dark dome, they were both shocked.

Ling Yun was shocked that his mother's body was enveloped in an incandescent white aura, illuminating the darkness around them.

On the other hand, Yi Mingxia was shocked to feel her body suddenly brimming with vitality.

"How can your body shine so bright, Mom?" Ling Yun asked in astonishment. Moreover, the white light differed from Yi Mingxia's usual Light Qi.

Yi Mingxia giggled. "This is one of the techniques taught by Senior Tang Wu, and as you have already sensed, this white light is not my Light Qi, but this is Light Mana."

"Eh? Is this really Mana?" Ling Yun asked in disbelief, especially since Ling Xi had told him that a cultivator couldn't absorb Mana. But now, his mother told him that she could use Mana.

Yi Mingxia smiled, seeing her son's expression. "Senior Tang Wu used an item on me a few days ago, and I can use Mana because of it."