Feng Xing Lost

"I didn't expect you to come back to this place, Ying'er." Lucas immediately said to her as soon as he saw Danielle and Nangong Ying'er. "Soon, the twelve God Kings will gather again, and Travis will definitely gather us later."

"Lucas, I don't want to have a pointless talk with you." Nangong Ying said as she pulled Danielle to sit beside her; she then glanced at Su Yan briefly, and they nodded in understanding to each other. "So, what's your purpose in coming here?"

"Hey, you're as impatient as ever, huh?" Lucas then turned to Danielle. "I want to work together with you."

"Oh? What kind of cooperation do you want from me?" Danielle nonchalantly asked.

Lucas then said to her. "We all know that Travis and Lucifer have signed a pact, but we also know that they only want to take advantage of each other, so I want to work with you to prevent the war from happening."