Diablo - Ling Xi

Diablo looked around the area and raised her eyebrows, and she then asked Mao. "Where are we now? And where are the other members of your race?"

"Lord, we are in the human realm now, but we are in a special place." Diablo turned to her in surprise, and Mao's expression turned sad. "As for my race, only my daughter and I remain; Mammon has wiped out the others."

"Mammon! That shitty asshole!" Diablo growled in fury after she heard that, and her demon aura leaked from her body again.

However, Mao immediately calmed her down. "Lord, Mammon is dead now, and my son-in-law killed him."

"Eh?" Diablo turned to Mao in surprise. "Who is your son-in-law? How could he kill Mammon?"