Elf And Dwarf

*Drap... Drap...*

A woman of medium build and slimness walks into a room filled with various flower plants; her face looks cute but childish, her wide eyes sparkle with gray pupils, and her grayish pink hair dances behind her. Her figure is quite attractive in a white sleeveless dress, allowing people to see the smoothness of her skin and her big breasts.

"Why are you in such a hurry, Nu Shen?" A woman with long, wavy white hair standing in the corner of the room asked her. The woman figure is quite tall and slender, with breasts that are not big but not small either, and her light blue dress fits perfectly on her body, showing off her perfect curves. Her face looks calm and mature, and her blue eyes are filled with tenderness. Her nose is a bit sharp, and her pink lips are beautifully curved.