Tong Xuan Realm

"So how is your training going? Are you both satisfied with the resistance of the beasts in this forest?" Tao Ruirui asked as soon as the rest of the group returned to their camp.

Yi Shu was the first to answer Tao Ruirui. "The beasts in this area are strong, and some of them have special abilities, so I had quite a hard time fighting them. Even so, overall, I'm satisfied to fight them, and I want to fight them again tomorrow."

"How about you?" Tao Ruirui asked while looking at Jiang Chen, who looked dissatisfied.

"I admit those beasts are strong." Jiang Chen replied as he brought his wife and partners to sit beside the campfire. "However, I can still fight them quite easily, so I need a tougher opponent. Moreover, Yanyao told me there is another place that is more suitable for me to train, so I thought about going there."

"Hmm?" Tao Ruirui turned to Du Yanyao while raising her eyebrows. "Which place did you tell him?"

"Tong Xuan Realm."