Meeting Xuanyuan Xue'er

*Swoosh... Swoosh...*

*Roar... Roar...*

*Boom... Boom...*

In one area on the first floor, the sound of swords slashing continued to intersect with the beasts' roars of pain, coupled with various loud explosions.

A woman with long black hair and a purple dress danced agilely amidst the crowd of dozens of aggressive beasts from various races, while several swords made of sword qi continued to circle around her.

Even though she was facing so many enemies at once, the woman didn't look tense or rushed, and her expression actually looked calm, as if she were enjoying her time killing them.

The woman continuously swung, slashed, and stabbed her sword towards every beast that attacked her. Many of them died instantly from her attacks, but many were able to avoid or withstand them. Although the blood of the beasts continued to splash towards her, she did not let it wet her body.