Xiao Xiao's Mother

"You can see it for yourself, Xiao'er." Ling Yun responded to his wife by creating a large ice mirror, allowing Xiao Xiao to see her current form for herself.

"Hmm?" Similar to their earlier responses, Xiao Xiao was equally taken aback upon witnessing her beast form, particularly given that her body resembled a dragon yet her head resembled a phoenix. Her body was red like a flame dragon, but she had two ice wings on her back, and her tail was not a dragon tail but a phoenix tail with nine feathers hanging at the end. "What the hell is this? How can my beast form be like this?"

"I don't have a definite answer for you." Ye Yuxian replied to Xiao Xiao with a head shake. "As I said before, a hybrid beast like you shouldn't exist, especially since the flame dragon and the ice phoenix have two opposing elements, but you are here now."