She was eating her breakfast lost in thought
when her father addressed her and said,
Where are you lost my dear....??
"If you are thinking about me, I am perfectly fine"and he touches his face smoothly.
"Rather, I am thinking of getting married again"
and his father father started laughing...
... Hahahhahahahahaah.....
There was a smile on her face even though she knew her father only said it to make her happy and laugh.She also laughed at her father's words even though she didn't want to because she also wanted her father's happiness.
How can a man who has few moments of life start a new life, yet his father spoke to him, which shows that his father loves her very much .
"Finish your breakfast, you're late for university"
her father said to her..
While getting out of the car, she said goodbye to her father and headed towards the university, but she was lost in a thoughts, thoughts that were bothering her inside, which were getting depressed even without wanting to.
Was it because of her father's cancer or something else?was Lara hiding something? why was she like this.....???
After university, Lara moved to John...
John who was Lara's childhood friend was of course blind but very sincere and good and he also loved the Lara very much but Lara didn't know about it at all.
Did Lara really love John or not????
John belonged to a poor family but was very sincere and good. The reason for his blindness was a road accident in his childhood which caused him to lose his sight. After that, he never saw the world, never saw the beauty of Lara but still he loved the character of the Lara so much.
Despite all this, John would love Lara very much and Lara would also tell John about her problems and would be very happy in each other's company.
Today Lara was not saying anything to John and her silence was bothering John.
Today Lara was not saying anything to John but was silent for a while and her silence was disturbing John.
"There's something you don't want to tell me?
"You are hiding something from me?
" why are you worried? he said while holding
her hand:
...There was pain in her voice
It shows that he doesn't know how much he thinks and how much pain he has hidden inside himself.
"I can't live, I can't live at all, I can't even
"I'll be lonely if he's gone, a very lonely one"
"I know the feigned happiness on his face I know very well why he is just to keep me happy To see me happy he is dying inside,I know him all I know that he is dying, Staying inside and I can't see it all in front of my eyes...i can't....
Jaan was very upset hearing all this and
took her hand on his chest and said,
Hearing this made John a little sad
"Don't worry everything will be fine"
But John...Lara said
" I love my baba very much...."
" Losing him would be a huge loss in my life..."
Now John turned Lara's face towards him with his hands..and said,
"This behavior of yours will upset uncle more and will affect his health badly, so take care of yourself so that you can cheer him up and keep him happy as long as he live. Be happy with him and yourself. Be happy too so that he doesn't upset when he see you.
After that John asked question,which makes Lara wondered,
"Is your father the only one who loves you
in your life?Hearing this, Lara looks at
John wondering if he is just appeasing the Lara or has something else to say.
Lara replies..
John I don't mean to say that I know you care about me so you are my best friend, but you consider me, he is my father how will I live without him, I have been living with him since I was a child, he made me a mother too.And that's why I'm afraid of losing him.
Hearing this made John a little sad because
he also wants to tell about his love for Lara but how....?????? He was afraid of losing Lara.
He might never have been able to identify the Lara with his feelings so Lara was not understanding what he was trying to say.
John....?Lara said by looking at him
John, you are comforting me, when in reality even this recognition cannot do it, because when a person who is so loving leaves your life, then I can imagine how your life is going. I will put it soon but I don't want to put it.You want to give me a way from your side but the relief is temporary now and unfortunately its reality.
After all this conservation,Now Lara wants to know about John's mother
in all these things, I forgot how the aunt?
Yes, She is fine, just getting a little thinner with age, which often happens to older people...
John smiles while telling this..
John,you take care of her and She will be fine, there is nothing like that..
You can take care of yourself. I know how responsible you are. Lara said but she is unable to know the hidden love of john behind his question.
Joan liked this habit of her so much that she didn't think of his as sick, helpless and weak despite his lack of sight. and can't even realise him weak and that was one of the reasons why he loved Lara so much.