John was very happy, of course, he met Lara every evening but today his happiness was a bit more and it was clear to see her, was this evening special or was there some other reason for his happiness, maybe an Expression of love.
He headed for the beach, as always, he wanted to be there before Lara. He had been waiting for Lara for an hour and she still hadn't come. John sat there and waited for more, hoping that she would come. After a while, John's phone rang with the phone close to his ear. He was about to say something when a voice in his ear forced him to smile and it was the voice of his lover.
"I'm sorry John I won't be able to come today I forgot that guests are coming to the house tonight and it's very important for me to be there", she apologized.
John, whose face had a smile on his voice, suddenly disappeared as if he had changed in a moment, not hearing his voice,
Lara started calling him, John answered her while managing himself.
"ok I can understand"
Unwillingly, he had to say it.
"Yes we will meet tomorrow I am going home at that time so we will meet later".
Lara quickly answered and hung up.
He sat there with a sad face and after a while, his brother came there,
"So are you ready to go? He thought he had met Lara.
"Yes" John replies to him
With a silent expression on his face, he walked along with Howard as if he didn't want to say or hear anything. The joy he had come here with was nowhere to be seen on his face anymore and it was plain to see him, but he still told his mother that he met Lara today. He will go straight to his room.
Lara, who quickly entered the house as if she had forgotten about the visitors, went straight to her room to get ready. After some time, Ben and his elder sister arrived there, Edwina, the older sister of Ben, but much younger than him. She was like her brother in beauty as well as intelligence. She is very interested in make-up. She looked at Lara coming down the stairs and smiled at her brother as if she had given a hint to Ben. Whose eyes were looking for Lara, At last, they were relieved.
Lara looked adorable as always.
Mr Rachel who was standing next to them, Pointed to the table, he told them to eat, all four of them now moved towards the table and took their place, While eating, Edwina thanked Mr Rachel for inviting her to eat and also invited them to their home.
Ben kept his eyes on Lara as he ate, and finally, he addressed Lara.
"Miss Lara what are you busy with?"
"Nothing special just university", she replied looking at Ben.
After eating, they were all sitting on the lawn talking, but Lara was not there. She was standing outside the lawn in front of Tex getting fresh air when she felt someone standing behind her. Turning around, there was Ben.
"I didn't disturb you."
" No, and she stepped aside, Ben standing next to her."
"Are you quiet from the start or is it because of my presence?" Ben asked quizzically.
"No, it's nothing to do with you," she replies seriously.
Is it because of your father?? Ben's words surprised her and she looked at him, "No, it's not like that," she insisted.
" As far as I am concerned, this is the reason for your silence", Ben said.
She was surprised by Ben's words, how could that unknown person understand what was hidden inside her, she was quite impressed by it.
"Don't worry, it happens in business and your father is a sensible man. He'll sort this problem out soon,"
Lara looked in surprise. She looks at Ben questioningly,
"that you do not know about this? Ben asked.
Thinking something, Lala immediately speaks, "yes in business, yes He told me, hope this problem will be solved soon,
without knowing anything, she gave her reaction as if she knew everything. After hearing this, she wondered why her father didn't tell her about all this. The reason why She was surprised by what he said was that Ben knew everything about his father's cancer, but his words meant something else, which made Lara very worried and thoughtful.
"Now should we go or do you intend to stay, Edwina's voice from behind made them turn around and at this Ben smiled and looked at Lara, who reluctantly followed Edwina and smiled.
"There were many intentions, but where would each intention be fulfilled? He raised his eyebrows and looked at Lara.
Unwillingly, he had to leave there and they both left that house.
John was lying on the bed feeling very sad and no one knew the reason for his sadness, because apparently, he would be happy in front of his brother and mother but inside he was feeling very sad and empty. The hope with which he had gone today was not fulfilled, the feeling and happiness of meeting his beloved had suddenly disappeared in his heart, because meeting Lara was supposed to be enough for him, but luckily. The one whom one loves, one wants to meet, to be with him, to talk to him, even to his silence becomes attachment. Habit is more deadly than love, and perhaps it is this habit that binds man to hope, and when these hopes are broken, man is also broken. Meeting the beloved is a joy that cannot be expressed in words, and separation and distance from him are equally fatal.
John was still waiting for Lara to hear her voice and to meet him, lost in his thoughts, I don't know when he caught her eye.
Lara with anger and heat on her face looked at her father as if she wanted to complain a lot but she quietly went to her room. Seeing all this, Mr Rachel was quite disturbed and followed her.