Good, you two came down together, I was going to call you both. Mr Rachel looked at Lara and Ben who were walking towards the dining table. Hearing this, Lara looked questioningly at Ben, who was not at all sorry for his lie and quietly pulled out a chair and sat down. She sat down in the chair next to her father without saying anything, but the anger on her face was evident in her eyes. Like she wanted to say a lot. At that moment she suppressed her anger but who knows what will happen to Ben later? After eating they started to go to their room but Lara followed Ben and when Ben reached his room a voice from behind made him turn around.
"Why did you lie to me? In the end, what does this mean?" she asks, looking at him angrily.
"Are you that innocent or are you pretending to be?" He asked questioningly approaching Lara.
"what does mean?" Lara stepped back, watching him approach her.
"You will soon know what I want." Ben came closer to her and nuzzled her ear and again says, "Good night Miss Lara."
Saying this he goes to his room and Lara who is standing there is thinking about everything and maybe she understands what he wants. But she doesn't want to believe all of them so quickly and lost in that thought, she heads towards her room.
"Strange man", She entered her room saying this. Coming into the room, she falls on the bed as if she is very tired. And again and again, Ben's words ring in her ears.
"What does that man want? What did his words mean? What I am thinking is the meaning of all these things, or something else, how can I believe this strange person, what does that person want?" Thinking this, she closes her eyes and falls into a deep sleep.
"What is the situation sir, there is no contact after reaching there, let me remind you that you also have a sister and she is alone here."Ben, who was talking to Edwina on the call, started to laugh.
"Yes, I know how can I forget you, you don't let me forget, saying this he starts laughing and Edwina hears him mocking,
"Where do you remember me now sir, you are busy with your purpose. I am surprised to think that you are in this situation now, what will happen to you when Lara comes into your life? Then I'll have to follow you around to tell you that I'm your only sister," she laughs as Ben smiles at her.
"Edwina, don't think so much now, my destination is far away, and it will take a long time to reach it, and you won't be old by then, Hopefully, I will achieve my goal very soon." He said.
"I hope so too", Edwina encourages him.
[Lara I'm coming, it's just a short distance and then we'll be together. Just for a while, I will be with you and then we will sit and have a beautiful time. With these things in his mind, he is running, running very fast and suddenly the sound of a fast car...phphphphphphpphhn.....Laraaaaaaaaaaaaa...., John's eyes open as he calls out Lara's name shortly...
His breathing is fast and he is sweating profusely as if the scene is still in front of him. He's gasping for breath and calls out Lara's name again, his throat parched for water, he reaches over to his side table for a glass of water and as well His hand touches the glass and the glass falls hearing the sound of which his mother runs into the room.