Satyam falls for Anuja

Satyam, now 13 years later, is a 20 years young man. Tall, dark, handsome, casanova type. Every girl drool over him. Every boy hate him. Every teacher and scholar is afraid of him. He has eyes on every young girl of his college. Like all ancestor's of his royal family he also goes abroad to study medicine. London School of Tropical Medicine is his second home now and he enjoys this life.

Satyam is a very proud man. He is totally full of himself. He never cares to think about anyone else. His over ambitious nature brings several troubles in his life, yet he is not in mood to change himself at all. He knows that with his royal upbringing, affluence and good look he is definitely a sensation among ladies and he certainly enjoys it. He knows his worth among posdible bride's families and in no mood to change himself to match with their criteria of selection.

He beded with several girls till now. He did not care about them and they were happy to please him. But this time seems diffrerent as now he is seeing a new girl with whom he is totally smitten. Her big dreamy eyes makes his heart flutter. That never happens before with him. This is a new sensation to him. Oh, I forget to mention the name. Her name is Anu. Anuja. Anuja Doshi.


Satyam - Anuja's Prince Charming

The same feeling of love and attraction Anuja also feels for Satyam. She is charmed by him. When he takes her hand softly or kiss her knuckles she feels butterflies in stomach. When he smiles at her or sings to her (believe it guys, Satyam is a good singer) she thinks she is in her dreamland. When he whispers softly in her ears and promises to marry her she blushes hard like a newly wed bride. Whenever he just looks at her, she feels dancing. Whenever he takes her in his arms and admires her beauty, she believes herself as a Disney princess. Whenever he makes love to her, she becomes proud of herself. Foolish dreamy Anuja thinks that her childhood dream after all this years has come true. Her Prince Charming, Satyam, is in love with her. He will definitely marry her some day. Alas she fails to realize the true identity of his love. Satyam loves Anuja in the same way a child adores its doll or a predator loves to play with its prey. This is just an infatuation, not love.


Satyam - Damayanti's Crush

Foolish Anuja discloses all her secrets with her nearest companion, her foster sister, Damayanti. Damu also accompanies Anu in London. These two sisters are residing happily in a girls' hostel here and studies medicine. Anuja studies Gynocolegy while Damayanti Anasthesia. How wonderful. In near future Damayanti will soon start to make unconscious and disappear from earth with her ferocious plans. But that is in future. Now Damu becomes quite aloof in doing mischief. She did not try to kill her brother Sashank anymore, neither befriends with him. She is busy planning her bright future and she knows for getting what she actually wants from her life she has to enter into the royal family of Raijadas'. And in this her only hope is to capture Satyam's heart or catch his eyes. Because Damayanti's sharp and calculative brain knows too well that Satyam is the only suitable partner for her. And to achieve Satyam, she is not afraid to even kill her own sister. Yes she could do that too if it seems necessary. She has enough practice and experience in this field.
