Astute Sashank

For a 26 year's old man Sashank Doshi seems quite sharp. His sharp intellect seldom being compared with razorblade. He, for that reason, is mocked by his friends and colleagues as Razorbade Doshi but he does not mind that. He loves his family more than his life. He dotted on his young sister Anu or Anuja most.

He hated the idea of her mixing with that bloody s**ne Satyam. He was just a good for nothing badass boy who had been spoiled by his father Pratap Singh Raizada. He had not a single good quality in his character to be praised for. He would bring nothing but only disaster to his little sister.

Sashank adored his sister so much that he was continuously ignoring Anuja's fault. Every man had a fault of character and Sashank was also not an exception. He was intelligent, fairly handsome, kind-hearted, just, diehard honest and very efficient doctor. He was an idol son, brother and even husband. But his only fault was his blind devotion to his sister that would ultimately bring his downfall very soon.

His wife Gunjan was his pillar of strength. Not every man had such a good and devoted wife like he had. She knew everything about his mental dilemma but never complained anything to him.

He looked lovingly at the face of his wife. She was so engrossed in her duty as a wife and a sister-in-law that she often forgot to take care of herself. She was now six months pregnant and this was their first child. But she never cared about herself. She never took good rest or had decent amount of sleep even it was necessary for her health. She was always amxious about Anuja's wellbeing forgetting all about herself.

He leaned on her and kissed her forehead softly. She smiled a little as if she could recognise her husband's touch. He put his arms around her shoulders to clutch her too tightly and slept beside her. Just looking at her face he forgot all of his worries of life. She nested her head on his broad chest and continued to sleep happily.


At morning, they got a devastating news which was quiet a shock to them both. Anuja was pregant too. She was carrying Satyam's child in her womb and was determined to give birth to it.

"You should not do that." Sashank told her.

"They will never accept you as the daughter-in-law of the prestigious Raizada family." His wife, Gunjan, warned her too.

But dreamy and foolish Anuja was not at all in listening mood. She declared openly -

"I am going to give birth to our love child. And I will marry Satyam very soon too."

Sashanks intelligence could understand the urgency of this situation perfectly. "I am afraid" He told his wife later in private "Her decision will bring disgrace to both of the families, be it Raizadas or Doshis. I am afraid Pratap Singh will never accept this disgrace so easily."

Alas, he would be very happy if his prediction would proved futile. But he was so right. He could not stop the storm coming to the hoeizon so fast. Like the Vidur of Mahabharat he was bound to witness the upcoming massacre started from this single decision of his beloved sister.
