Blaze Of Glory

Ferdinand dashed forwards knowing that if he falters he'd be in big trouble. Ferdinand took a glance at his sides to see multiple walkers closing on him. Ferdinand carefully aimed his pistol while running, to which he silently clicked the trigger to which a thunderous sound came. The bullet of the gun traveled at a blistering speed, hitting a bullseye to the spinal cord. The walker that got shot immediately fell down and finally died. Seeing their comrade fell down, the other walkers that were chasing Ferdinand let out an angry growl and were more agitated.

As the battle was happening, more and more high leveled walkers joined in on the chase as distinguished because they were running. Seeing the increasing walkers that were hunting him, Ferdinand checks the shop once again for grenades. Ferdinand didn't know how to use most of the grenades that were listed, until he finally found the grenade that he knows of, the Mark 1 Stick Hand Grenade, which was used only by the Imperial Federation. Ferdinand had enough points to buy a few sticks of grenade, and so he did. Ferdinand had 2000 points and each stick of grenade cost 400 points, so he immediately bought 5 of them.

Almost immediately, a bright blue light appeared at the hands of Ferdinand, and there it was: a Mark 1 Stick Hand Grenade. Ferdinand furiously removed the click and threw it at his back. One after another he spent up most of his grenades and then thunderous explosion came again and again. This time his points were racking up once again, now he had a measly amount of points totaling on about 2700 Points. Ferdinand then immediately go to the shop once again and bought the Mark 1 Automatic Rifle, the first ever automatic rifle in the Imperial Federation used in the war against the Confederation of the States. Looking back at the system interface, Ferdinand couldn't help but feel grateful to the tech tree giving out the standard weapons of the Imperial Federation. Because if it didn't, then he's doom would already be set in stone.

Ferdinand couldn't also help but marvel around the various weapons that were locked in technology tree. Because it also seems that the system itself made improvements on the weapons. Ferdinand's heart couldn't help but jump in joy knowing that there would be more advance weaponry for him to play with in the future.

Ferdinand then tried to find a suitable spot to mow down the coming walker as he needs to get a breather. Ferdinand had just spent 2000 points just to get the Mark 1 Automatic Rifle and another 500 points just for one magazine for it. The Mark 1 Automatic Rifle has a total amount of round that is about 100 rounds, so Ferdinand had to make each bullet count.

After what took like an endless amount of time, Ferdinand had already found a suitable spot to take a breather while mowing down the walkers. Ferdinand hadn't looked back for a while now, but when he looked back, it surprised him to see that the walkers were now clumping up together, as they battle out who's gonna get to him first. Which made his life easier. Ferdinand then hopped on a hole and place his Mark 1 Automatic Rifle and carefully but gracefully aiming down the sights, then after what took like ages, the earth grumbled as multiple bullets whizzed out of the Mark 1 Automatic Rifle. Making each bullet count, many walkers fell down to their knees.

Each time Ferdinand ran out of ammo, he immediately buys a new magazine. His points spiraled upwards, as it is now continuously increasing and increasing. Unfortunately for Ferdinand, a walker got past his kill zone and was now on a melee combat with Ferdinand. The walker scratched sideways, which was skillfully avoided by Ferdinand, to which he retaliated by bringing out his knife and slashing down the neck of the walker.

After finishing the walker that got past his kill zone, when Ferdinand was about to grab the Mark 1 Automatic Rifle, he was shocked that there were walkers now that were about to jump in his hole. So Ferdinand had to only grind his teeth and stashed his Mark 1 Automatic Rifle in the spatial inventory. Ferdinand now had brought out his knife and pistol and immediately fired on the walkers that were now about to jump on him. After firing, he climbed out of the hole before he was overwhelmed. Ferdinand now has a measly amount of points that totals to about 5800 Points.

Ferdinand then dashed for his life, while carefully firing his pistol. That way he is slowly but surely is gaining more points again. It was now getting darker and darker as the moon was now losing its brightness as the mountains were now covering it. Ferdinand is now at a bottleneck. How's he gonna take advantage of his armaments when he can't see? Just then, Ferdinand had a glorious idea. What if he just created the light himself? Ferdinand then suddenly remembered that back in the Imperial Federation, there was an experimental weapon, they call it the flamethrower. Ferdinand then immediately checked the shop and there it was, the Mark 1 Flamethrower that was supposed to be used in the offensive that he was taking part in before he disappeared or died.

Ferdinand then immediately bought it, but damn it was so expensive it cost him 5000 points and another 1000 points just for a single fuel that should last about for a minute. Ferdinand bought it and almost immediately, a bright light came to his front and on his back. It was very warm, and he was pleased with it. So, Ferdinand, according to his memory, to fire a gun you press the trigger, so it should be the same for a flamethrower, and what do you know, he was right on the bullseye, as the flames came out of the barrel of the weapons and it spewed out towards the surroundings and into the walkers. The screams of the walkers filled the air as smokes billows through the clouds.

Ferdinand thought that this was a glorious idea of his, oh how wrong he was.