Scouting For Resources

Ferdinand dashed forwards and so as the other two which is Waylen and Simpson. They pushed forward and forward until they came to a halt. They observed the surroundings as they sauntered forward with knives in their hands as they took a glance from left to right. What they should find right about now is a cave. Because there is a large possibility of it having a multitude amount of resources such as iron. The group marched forward slowly but surely they will find something as they believe so. They are now near a mountain, so a possibility of finding a cave is highly likely.

Ferdinand was moving forward slowly, but then suddenly he unknowingly stepped on a twig that made a sound that can be heard as far as the heavens. This event shocked him and his group, soon after the earth was rumbling. Sensing the impending doom, Ferdinand quickly made an assumption and so he called his soldiers to take up positions for battle. They are running low on ammo so they'll have to conserve them, and so they'll have to use first the knives that they have in fighting the walkers afterwards.

Slowly but surely, the loud rumble that they were hearing from the horizon was coming closer and closer. The group tightened their grip on their armaments as they wait for the inevitable. A few moments had passed and then they heard a loud shriek from afar and soon after, the screams of the walkers were getting closer and closer to them. As the walkers were getting closer, Ferdinand on the sides was preparing his knife to immediately slash down a walker that was bound to get closer to him. Then the final moment came a screaming walker tumbles out of a bush and into Ferdinand to which he immediately raised his knife and slashed the walker on its neck to which after the walker lost a moment of balance Ferdinand immediately punched the walker, which made walker decapitated. Much to the walker's demise, its fleeting life immediately ended.

After killing the walker, Ferdinand immediately glanced towards his men and saw that they were doing very well. He then looked forward to see that there were more walkers coming in to have a taste of his knife. Unfortunately, he can only use his guns when needed, because if he uses his guns now it will attract more walkers, which will prove difficult as his men don't have enough ammos. Thinking about how much they wasted ammos earlier, Ferdinand regretted he hadn't thought about it much earlier so that all his men will have enough ammo so that they could fight another day.

Seeing the walkers coming in again to him, Ferdinand braced himself for a potential heavy fighting. Three walkers were coming in from his left to right and to the front, sensing this danger Ferdinand took a step back and summoned his saber and pathetically slashed down a walker that could get close to him, to which to his surprises he decapitated its head off. Now there were only two walkers left coming into him. Ferdinand judged the distance from him to the other two and saw that the other walker were in fact much more far away than the other walker who are closer to him.

Ferdinand then immediately dashed forward into the nearest walker after switching to his knife. When he could get close to the walker, the walker immediately launched an attacked which surprised Ferdinand. Seeing the walker launching an attack against him, he immediately leaped to his sides and rolled over, to which after he stood up. Ferdinand spared no time recalculating his actions because he immediately dashed once again to the walker. This time the walker was surprised which made Ferdinand smile and then he slashed his knife to the neck of the walker to which after the walker lost some balance, he immediately launched a heavy punch at the head of the walker to decapitate it.

Now there is one walker left to kill on his Ferdinand's side, meanwhile the other two, which is Waylen and Simpson, were about to get overwhelmed. Ferdinand sensed this and so he immediately dashed towards the final walker on his side.

To make things faster, Ferdinand thought of a genius idea and so he summoned his saber and spearheaded towards the walker. The walker attempted to launch an attack to which it humiliatingly failed. The walker was caught in the middle of the blade and to which Ferdinand stabbed it on a nearby tree once again. It practically immobilized the walker, which agitated the walker even more. Ferdinand didn't let the walker lived for longer than he immediately slashed down the neck of the walker, to which a crimson blood spurted out everywhere.

Almost immediately Ferdinand dashed towards his mean to help them. Being the observer he is, he immediately observed which of his men is in dire straits first. After a few moments, he concluded it was Waylen who was in dire straits, and so he headed for Waylen first. After a few meters of traveling, Ferdinand suddenly jumped and into the walker, pinning down Waylen. Ferdinand firstly grabbed the walker by its collar and pulled the walker from pinning down Waylen. The walker was flabbergasted, however; it didn't last long as Ferdinand slashed the neck of the walker.

Ferdinand helped Waylen, then they immediately headed for Simpson, the officer of the squad that he summoned for the first time. Simpson was currently battling two walkers and which he was about to be overwhelmed by the walkers. Waylen and Ferdinand agreed to take down the opposite of the others. They then sprinted. When they were about to get closer, the walkers immediately changed direction into Waylen and Ferdinand. This action by the walkers surprised all of them, however they have no time to respond and so they brace for the sudden battle.

Ferdinand slid down and pointed his foot to the foot of the walker, which, after the collision, the walker lost balance. He took this advantage to kill the walker., when he glanced to his sides he saw Waylen had finished the walker too.