
Something suddenly filled the man with an influx of information as he was being transported. The things he knew, things that happened in that world so far since his commander and his other subordinates, though it is only limited to what they know and have seen so far, excluding their private life. Everything that the man saw was like a summary of information and he immediately knew what to do, and that was to save his commander.

It also delighted the man to know that the man he was going to serve was an upright person, though he still gave it a benefit of a doubt. He won't judge or make a judgement until he sees through it.

Shockingly, as he was being transported, his old clothes were replaced by a more sophisticated uniform than the ones he wore on the battlefield. It also seems like that the uniform has a tint of camouflage.

Even better with the influx of information to his mind, he also got to learn the armaments he was going to use and this shocked to know that such fearsome and sophisticated armaments exist. Surely, such things will change the rules of warfare, and it will minimize such despicable acts of savagery in times of war. Still, it is still undeniable that war is filled with savageness. However, these new kinds of armaments will indeed save more lives when used.

He also was thought with various basic skills of close quarter combat. This will further improve his capability to stand on his own feet rather than randomly slashing with a knife.

Soon after the transportation was done, he immediately rushed near his commander, which was Ferdinand.


Ferdinand was providing covering fire for the injured Simpson, which was being tended to by Waylen. When the soldiers materializes they immediately moved towards Ferdinand. They formed a half circle protecting Ferdinand and his subordinates. It equipped them with Mark 1 Bolt-Action Rifle and what's even better is that they were stocked to the brim with ammunition.

This utterly shocked Ferdinand as he was so sure that he will need to tell them everything that happened so far and why they were summoned, but it seemed like they acted like they knew everything from the start. Could there be someone helping him? That's not the time to think about that, as he is now in a fight. Though it was already obvious, that someone was helping him as he had these blessings and there's demons and gods in this world.

The ground was rumbling even harder as the trees were shaking more violently. They saw on the horizon a much more devilish walker that has an unidentifiable facial features and a possibly rotten body. It was running on four limbs, though it still looks human as it has two legs and two arms. This baffled them to the max as they focused their aim at this unidentified walker.

They fired and fired as the unidentified walker jumped through from side to side and from trees to trees. At the back of the unidentified walker, there were quite a few more of those unidentified walkers. Ferdinand ordered the men to pick their targets as it would be bad if they only focus on one of them because those unidentifiable walkers were smart and vigilant when being fired upon.

Upon a closer look at the walkers, one can see that the jaw of the walker was barely hanging. This struck fear in the hearts of the men as they fired upon this monstrosity.

Seconds pass by as the unidentified walkers were getting nearer and nearer. So far, only a few of those walkers were shot dead or incapacitated.

Ferdinand was firing his Mark 1 Automatic Rifle. So far, he had only hit a few of them, but most of them were normal walkers.

Finally, the unidentifiable walkers were now near enough for a melee battle, and so Ferdinand and his newly summoned subordinates engaged in a melee battle.

Ferdinand brought out his Mark 1 Saber. His soldiers didn't have a saber, as only officers or commanders get this kind of weapon, so they were stuck with a knife. Nevertheless, they still fought with enough vigor and will that made any woman fall for them.

Ferdinand slashed down his saber to which was dodged by the unidentified walker. The unidentified walker retaliated by slashing upwards with its long nails that are possibly as sharp as a knife. Which Ferdinand dodged by moving backwards. He countered it by faking a slash forward. The unidentified walker attempted to dodge it. Unfortunately, Ferdinand was faster enough as he immediately brought out his Mark 1 Pistol and fired continuously at the walker. The unidentified walker was incapacitated.

Ferdinand then moved forward to the now incapacitated unidentified walker and slashed his saber sideways on the neck.

"Sooner than later I'll know what kind of monsters or walkers I am encountering this time" Said Ferdinand

Ferdinand then turned to his sides to which he saw thankfully that nobody has died yet. What shocked him is the fact that some of them were fighting in close quarter combat effectively. He now understood that there's a limit to one's skill as he will need the help of his subordinates in the future. What happened earlier, even though they all know close quarter combat, they were still overwhelmed. Superior firepower is the way to go.

Ferdinand then swiftly moved to help his subordinates by slashing down the unidentified walkers. Unfortunately. the ground was still rumbling, and the trees were still shaking so that could only mean one thing, and that is more will come for them.

Seconds turned into minutes as they have already cleared the unidentified walkers and they were now resting, albeit the ground was still rumbling so they were now preparing for the worst. They were tending to the wounds, some helped Waylen in tending to Simpson.

Surely in the future they are going to face this same kind of hardships as they have known and realized is that this world is much more unforgiving and cruel.