Chapter 13 - Myths

Ryuu remained unbothered by the wailing screams of his defeated enemy under his feet who glared intensely towards him, full of intent to kill. Unfortunately, his regenerative ability was halted by the power of the dagger. 

The blade had Holy Attribute and was blessed by the holy which was the primary weakness of people who used black magic. 

He encassed the creature in blood trying to stop it from moving around. The creature was large enough for Ryuu to stand on.

Ryuu could feel himself fatigued from the constant depletion of his Mana but knew it would be dangerous to let the blood stop chaining the creature to the ground.

"Gaaahh!!! H-How dare you slice my limb!! Just who the hell are you!!"

It roared trying his best to stay intimidating but was inwardly in despair for how easily he was defeated. He neither could move nor heal and could only pointlessly glare at his opponent with killing intent. 

Unfortunately, it was useless when Ryuu had the [ Peak Human Condition Physiology ] that gave him a strong  mental resistance. Ryuu didn't speak, only sliced his arms at the shoulder joint receiving a loud shriek in pain.


Before he could shriek longer, a large arm made of blood grabbed his face to silence him and stared at his opponent who silently looked at him before kneeling.

"Who I am does not matter…"

The creature is shocked to hear the voice of a young man, a shocking contrast to the terrifying image before him. He couldn't believe that someone as such was responsible for causing him so much pain.  

"However, I'm curious about what you know about the supernatural?"

Ryuu starts to suspect that his world is more than meets the eye. He did recently hear about a missing people's report that many believed was caused by an Aswang. 

A mythical creature who is similar to a Romanian Vampire with a few differences namely their hunger doesn't quench by mere blood rather, a whole human and their favorite was the fetus or infant that allows them to sustain their youth. 

If he's lucky, then magical items and spells are just around the corner for him to learn them. He manipulated the blood molded hands letting the creature speak. 

"....I-If I told you about everything you'd let you live, right!?"

The creature asked hesitantly, trying to see if it was possible to escape and exact his revenge. He believed the kid could be persuaded thinking he was a naive boy.

"You're not in a position to make offers."

He soon did small cuts into his body that weren't too deep but enough to cause immense pain. It shrieked in pain once more as it was far too unbearable.

"Gaaaah!!!! S-Sto-Gaaah!! STOP!!"

"Listen carefully, you have two choices."

Ryuu ended his shearing of flesh unfazed from the despaired look of the creature despite its grotesque appearances. The creature was unable to accept his fate but ended up listening in fear of feeling the pain once again.

"One is to tell me everything you know including how you gain the ability to turn into this form and I'll give you a painless death or be stubborn and refuse to tell everything that would lead to the utmost painful death possible. Understand?"

Ryuu said, causing the creature to nod violently. He pondered how his morals and other emotions made him turn into a completely different person.

(E/N: The He/Hims here all refer to Ryuu)

He is a person who has some level of morals and yet it was thrown out the window after slaughtering numerous dozen people who could have their own families. 

Though his emotions are suppressed and controlled by his skill did not mean he was emotionless killing mansion. He felt guilty killing the criminals as some may have been forced to do it because of their situations.

However, Ryuu knew that the moment he acquired the phone and joined the chat group would sooner or later be soaked in blood. An irony that his magic was Blood Magic.

He put it aside knowing that showing pity to these people would lead to disaster. They would kill other innocent people who have their own family. 

'There's no turning back. Might as well move forward.' 

Ryuu puts aside his inner turmoil and focuses his attention on the creature who took the time to recover. He would soon find out how his world truly is.

"Now tell me everything."

"...T-The supernatural is held true. In this world or called Terra Mundo is where the humans and other mortals live. The Underworld, the realm where the supernatural lived and the Afterworld where the soul is guided."

The creature started to explain how the world is separated from the Three realms. The Terra Mundo where humans and other creatures live with few supernatural creatures reside namely tribes of Aswang, Tikbalang, A humanoid horse that had the legs and head of a horse and the upper body of a man, Bagyon Tribe, Electric humanoid creature with their skeleton visible and more. 

Next was the Underworld where the obvious creature called Demon resides and had countless forms that mostly deal with humans in exchange for many things.

"Tell me what deal and exchange you gave to the Demon?"

"I-I had a deal with the Demon to give me it's power and extreme luck in exchange for 20 Virgin women, 10 infants' blood, 6 Elderly women and the life of my First born."

Ryuu narrowed his eyes looking at the creature's neutral gazes under his helmet but inwardly infuriated for someone to go such a length to acquire power. He was trying his best to not kill him already. 

"Alright enough! Now tell me about the Afterworld!"

"I-I don't know much about Afterworld and only knew that they've only recently used train tension as their ferry line to the afterlife." 

It quivers in fear when he could feel the killing intent coming from Ryuu who narrowed his gaze casting a shadow that only formed an outline from the light of the moon. 

"Is that so? Well how about where you learn to form contracts with Demons?"

"I-I learn it from a book that shows how to form incantations and summoning circles to the underworld."

"Care to tell me where this book is right now?"



He screamed growing impatient due his anger finding out how gruesome summoning a demon could be. It has sacrificed numerous people with specific traits and the most disturbing is the scarification of infants.

"I BURN IT! I didn't want any other people to learn it so I could be the only one with that kind of power."

Ryuu felt annoyed that he destroyed the book that could have been useful for him. Though he won't do any brutal sacrifice was still curious what benefit would be gained if he were to acquire it.

"Dammit! Fine, anything more to add!?"

"That's all I know! I swear!!"

The monster pleaded wanting to end his suffering while Ryuu took a moment to take a breather before moving his hand and swiftly decapitate its head.

[Mission Accomplished]

[You have acquired High Speed thought Processing, Eidetic Memory and Parallel Thought Processing]

[ Status

Name: Ryuu Cinco

Title: Administrator

Overall Power: Low Tier 8-C

Physical Strength: Mid Tier 9-B

Durability: Mid Tier 9-B

Stamina: High Tier 9-B

Intelligence: High Tier 9-B

Extra Stats:

HP: 400/400 (Average adult man 150)

MP: 200/200

Energy: Mana



Intuition (High Tier 9-A)

Drawing (High Tier 10-A)


Breathing Technique lv.3

Eidetic Memory Lv.1


Unarmed Fighting Technique Lv.1 

Blood Magic Lv.3

High Speed thought Processing Lv.1

Parallel Thought Processing Lv.1

Inventory: none. 

Points : 7,840


Ryuu witnessed his stats increase, having the overall power of Destroying a small to medium size construction. Though he doesn't have that kind of firepower yet as it is only possible with his blood magic to crush such a structure. Even still, this shows his overall power at its peak. 


While he was distracted a bullet was shot towards his body and somehow felt the impact and the pain that came with it and damaged his armor a bit. It quickly fixes itself then turns to the sources.

"Oh great now, you've got it's attention, Crispin!"

"I told you to wait for my signal!"

"Sorry my hands just slipped. It's not my fault that I've been starving since this morning!"

Ryuu observed the new arrival and found three individuals. Two of them were nearly identical wearing a gray suit and dark inner clothes with the only difference was their mask which had a smiling and sad face. 

They wielded what seemed to be dual desert eagle handguns that had magical energy around it. 

The other one was the same woman that he saw from the Martial art Bookshop. Ryuu recalls her name as Alexandra Trese and based on their sudden appearance was part supernatural. 

"But what is that thing? The one below him is clearly someone who sold their soul to the devil but that blood guy??"

"Only one way to find out. Greetings, my name is Alexandra Trese and I would like to ask you who you are?"

Ryuu looked at her as if she was some kind of idiot to say such a thing but realized that he hadn't attacked them despite being the first one that did, showing that he wasn't hostile which gave her the impression that he wasn't a threat.

'So that's your name huh? Well I'll find you soon enough.'

He soon summoned the blood around him, surprising everyone and pointed their weapon towards him before molding it back into wings.

"No! Don't let it escape!!"

Ryuu ignored their bullets before flying into the sky letting them deal with the human trafficking in the building and returned home to rest.