Chapter 55 - Mitsuri POV

Mitsuri POV

I never expect my life to change the moment I met the man that soon would be the love of my life. I still clearly remember when Shinobu-san told us about someone who is able to see the future. Like the rest of us were skeptic since who has the ability to see the future?

Wouldn't it be normal to believe it's untrue but I knew Shinobu-san won't ever lie regarding our chance against Demons. She was the only female Hashira and a close friend of mine. I notice how she seemingly changes and less strain than before.

Is it just my imagination? Maybe but ever since Kanae-san died she had been hiding pain like the rest of us but unlike them, I don't have much hatred towards Demon as the reason I've joined the Demon Slayer is quite embarrassing.

Being born with abnormal strength, I wanted to find a husband who can surpass me in these areas. However, I eventually made it my duty to fight this demon to save people's lives.

When I met the man that Shinobu-san spoke to, I immediately felt something was alluring to him. I wasn't sure how strong he was but when he made us frozen in place he convinced me that he's the one.

In the end, I've offered my teaching and wanted to get close to him as I hope to see his true strength. It was embarrassing being up close to him when I started his training.

It was my first time teaching someone but he somehow made me comfortable and acted humble. His action was extremely considerate and disputed my flaws and it was embarrassing that I'm the one learning rather the other way around.

I was frustrated at myself but Ryuu always had the right time to respond when I was feeling down. He kept telling me to not think much about people and just be myself.

"I'm the same as you. I once cared about people's opinion of me and cast myself from others."

His word that was filled with loneliness and solitude however did not have any shed of sadness only emptiness.

"Just follow your heart then you'll see the world clearly."

I was stunned and felt my heart beating from his words alone. I don't know what I was feeling since it wasn't from embarrassment that I usually feel. My heart was pounding like I had run the farthest and longest I have ever done.

It should be impossible for me to feel restless when I mastered Total Concentration Breathing. I only put it aside and continued to train him but more confident.

Like I have thought, his strength far exceeded a normal person allowing him to keep up with me. He might have surpassed me in terms of strength.

However, in those times spending two and half months together made me realize a few things. Whenever he leaves I felt part of my heart slipping out of reach and once he returned felt indescribable bliss.

I don't know why I was feeling this way and I once saw him being intimate with Shinobu and felt a prickle piercing my heart. It was as if I lost something important and wondered why that is.

It's been bothering me for some time that I wanted to talk to someone and when we went on a mission together it made me want the answer even more. He had given me a Hairpin stick and told me my hair became more beautiful wearing it.

I was alway anxious how people saw my hair as it was unusual and no one would want a woman who has my hair colored but my heart pounded when he said.

"You know, I really like your hair color. It shows your bubbly and loving personality. You seem anxious how people see it but you shouldn't be. I really love it and if it was anything but this then you wouldn't be Mitsuri-san anymore. This is what makes you special, Mitsuri-san."

His words held nothing but a heartwarming feeling that made me want to embrace him. I really want to know what this feeling is that I've been having. Perhaps it was love?

I'm unsure if he would accept my love since he has Shinobu-san and I don't want to steal him from her. She's a close friend of mine and I don't want to betray our relationship but I also don't want to lose Ryuu. Though, I knew she wouldn't mind but it still makes me anxious knowing it is still possible.

We had a few days of break and I decided to speak with someone who knows more than me. I went to Tengen's residence where I heard someone screaming.

"I've already told you it's this way!!"

"B-But I'm not suited to fighting!!"

"Please stop fighting you two, Tengen-san is currently sleeping and tired from training."

I went to the sources and found Tengen-san wives, Makio, Suma and Hinatsuru. They were one whose use of this kind of relationship. Even if my father had multiple wives I don't know much how I should feel about it personally.

"Oh, Mitsuri-chan, what are you doing here?"

Makio notices my arrival and immediately stops their training to greet me. I smile back at them since I knew that they would be one who will know how I feel.

"Mitsuri-san! You save me!!"

Suma tried to run up to me while crying but was stopped by Makio who pulled her back. I feel a bit scared seeing how violent Makio was.

"Don't run away and finish your training! We can't disappoint, Tengen-san."

"I'm already tired…..can we take a break for a moment?"

"Makio, stop it already. Our training time has already ended and we still need to prepare a meal for Tengen-sama."

"I-I'll handle it!"

Suma escaped and Makio grasped who was annoyed while Hinatsuru only weakly smiled before approaching me telling me to head dinside and have a seat. They gave me some tea and sat next to me.

"Is there any reason why you visited us, Mitsuri-san?"

"That's right, shouldn't you be busy training that man who recently claims to have ability to see the future?"

"W-Well I-I just want to ask something."

I was nervous, feeling my heart was running a race taking a deep breath before telling them what had happened for the past few months. They didn't say anything, only listened to every encounter.

After I finished they were silent looking at me with Makio opting for a wide smile while Hinatsuru's proud smile. It made me confused why they make such faces.

Did I say something wrong? What if I shouldn't have told them and kept to myself? I want to hide in hole and cry.

"Hahahaha congrats! You found your man!"

Makio wholeheartedly laughed, patting my back and wondering what she meant as I blush, calling Ryuu my man is embarrassing. I hardly know him but….now I think I've been craving to know more about him.

"You might be confused but what you just said proves you've fallen in love with him."

Hinatsuru words cause me to feel silence before recalling every moment and feelings I had that cause me to blush.

"You don't need to feel embarrassed! I'm happy that you've found your man. I want to see this kid and teach him not to break your heart!"

"W-Wait don't hurt him! Also...he has Shinobu-san as his lover already…."

"But that doesn't mean you should give up now? If Shinobu doesn't mind sharing then you still have a chance to be with him."

"I mean it's not too bad once you've gotten used to it!"

They made it sound easy but….it made my feelings more clearer than before and wanted to see if I truly loved him. At first, his strength drew me in since it is what I wanted in a man but eventually it changed and sought that what I wanted was a man that would accept who I am.

I was determined to tell him how I feel without holding back and thank Makio and Hinatsuru before staying for a few minutes.

Afterwards I headed to find him and once I told him everything was wholeheartedly accepted by him. I learned many things about him and how everything is.

I didn't regret it after learning everything that he had said and continued being by his side helping him till the end.