Chapter 75 - Inner world

Prior to Ryuu's return to earth, Everyone we're preparing to train their abilities. Nezuko and Kie were in desperate need of experience in fighting someone since improving their magic wouldn't give much when fighting an experienced opponent who was able analyze their skills and find loopholes.  

Though Kie wouldn't fight at the front lines it is still important for her to defend herself when the threat arrives. She's a vital role in a fight, especially her supporting ability to enhance her allies.

"I'll head to the mountains as I might harm you if my control gets out of control."

Shinobu said since she had tried connecting with her Zanpakuto and it ended up hurting everyone. She needed to train when controlling the potency of her magic. 

Furthermore, her poison released by Zanpakuto was so potent that it bypassed [ Aura ] itself and straight to the person's body. The extent of her ability was still unknown as she was still training to use her spiritual power. 

She first studied the Zanjutsu, Hakuda, Hohō and Kido while still far from mastering any of them. The bundle didn't give her the technique, rather it was in the form of books beside her Spiritual Power that was directly sent to her body. 

The Hakuda of [ Shunpō ] was relatively easy to study as Ryuu shared [ Shundō ] that had the same principle but had different ways of usage. 

Zanjutsu and Hakuda is easy to understand as it is a hand to hand martial and Swordsmanship that describe the full usage of Spiritual energy. Shinobu already has [ Total Concentration Breathing ] that could help her control her spiritual power. 

Meanwhile, Hohō are useful as they focus on movement and full usage of their speed while Kido are spells that are completely different from magic as their 1 to 99 grade of Kido that one could perform. 

Kido has three types: Hado, Bakudo and Kaido. Bakudo are for sealing and binding with addition of barriers while Hado is an offensive spell and Kaido is only a healing way of Kido. 

"Alright, be sure to be careful, Shinobu-chan."

"Yeah, I hope you awaken you Shikai."

"I wonder what your Shikai look like?"

"Maybe like her old Katana?"

They Shared their opinion and had watched some Bleach episodes and were fascinated by how their world was similar to theirs in terms of culture and way of fighting. They fight Demons while Shinigami fight Hollows.

"Let's hope but moving on, just tell Ryuu where I am."

Shinobu said before flashing her towards the mountain where there was a large plateau in the middle and immediately headed her way. She sat down and placed the Zanpakuto on her lap before meditating. 

Taking deep breaths using her [ Total Concentration Breathing ] to calm her body to enter their subconsciousness. It wasn't easy taking a long time to slowly get deeper and deeper in her mind. 

It was that moment her body emits miasmic purple poison in the surrounding that erodes the ground and grass polluting the air and earth. 

Shinobu's hair was becoming more purple and radiating a dark aura with a violent outline and his breath making a similar colored mist.  

It was that moment her eyes opened and found herself in a completely different place. She called the place the Inner world where it is the representation of a person's subconsciousness. An example of it is Tanjiro's azure land. 

'I didn't expect this would be my inner world.'

Shinobu thought observing the land were numerous jagged edge rocks that had miasmic purple liquid as a lake and butterflies flying around the places. It was a perfect representation of her violent nature and poisonous abilities. 

"Well well, I didn't expect you to be here this early but as expected of my master."

She heard an alluring and seductive voice turning her head and saw a beautiful woman upside down defying the law of physics. Her beauty was unlike anything she's seen before and it made her wonder if she was a goddess. 

The mysterious woman carried a regal and elegant aura around her looking at her with a soft smile like she knew her for a long time. She was dressed in beautiful grayish purple Kimono with flower motifs and violet edges accompanied by a pink tenne wrapped around her body. 

[ Image here ]

"How unfortunate, we don't have much time…"

Shinobu heard her speak and wanted to say something but everything grumbled before her and soon opened her eyes back to where she started. 

She felt disappointed that everything happened far too fast for to even speak. Shinobu sighed in defeat but glad that she was slowly establishing a connection with her Zanpakuto Spirit. 

"How did it go, Shinobu?"

Shinobu heard and saw Ryuu standing with a welcoming smile that washed away her disappointment. She needed to focus on the present and not the future since there's no point worrying when you don't have the future. 

Futures often change even how much you plan it and she's a living proof of it. Literally. 

"It went well, I've gotten a small glimpse of my inner world and spirit. How about you? How did your first lover react?"

"She might be the death of me."

Ryuu bluntly said that made Shinobu pause before giggling since she already expected that to be the case when he was describing what kind of want Justine is. 

"Fufufu I doubt you'll die. Is she here?"

"Yeah, she's at the mansion. Are you done training?"

"Yes, it would be enough for today. I'm eager to meet her."

He nodded and headed their way back to the mansion while Ryuu asked Shinobu about her training in the inner world.

"She appears like a mature version of myself with purple hair and with Nee-san seduction."

"An adult-gaaah!"

"Ara~ my hands slipped. What are you going to say?"

Ryuu only warily smiled stopping him from imagining her as the woman she was describing but it does make him interested to meet her. He wonders what would be the name of her Zanpakuto once released.

"I presumed you hadn't gained a Shikai?"

"Not yet, it's difficult since our connection is like a thread that easily pulls apart the more I try to connect."

"Well I know you'll soon be able to call forth its name."

He encourage believing that sooner or later her Shikai will appear. Ryuu has been wondering about his own ability as well since [ Blacklight ] could replicate the physical makeup of any organic creature which means it wouldn't include those abilities that are connected to the soul. 

The only way he thought that could upgrade his physique was [ Alucards (Hellsing) ] bloodsucking ability or having a [ Soul devouring ] skill.  

'Putting that aside, I wonder what's the next world mission.'

"What are you thinking, Ryuu?"

"About the next world we're going to travel. I was hoping for a world where we can boost your basic power and maybe make it permanent."

Ryuu hoped that by acquiring the [ Essence of the Harem Proagonist ] would unlock a branch of the system to see their status. 

[ You have unlock Harem system ]

'I had to think huh….'

He blankly stared at the panel, deciding to ignore it for the time being and soon arrived at the mansion where the others were chatting. 

"Welcome back, Ryuu-kun. Shinobu here has a seat."

Shinobu sat down while Ryuu was about to join them when Justine stopped him from joining their conversation.

"Ryuu, I want to talk to them. This is for girls only."

Justine said more calmly than before, which surprised Ryuu, thinking it would take a while for her to accept everything. He didn't try to refute and headed his way to the kitchen preparing their meal.