Chapter 80 - New Experience

Taking to the mall lets them witness unbelievable things namely the automatic doors that made them think it was magic but Ryuu explains it wasn't and their ignorance to be cute. They were like children curious about everything that only made him smile.

He was happy telling them about the things they were curious about. The people around them were all baffled, craning their heads for two reasons. One was their beauty that improved the [ Aura ] and the other way was the fact they were anime characters.

Speaking of [ Aura ], Ryuu hoped that one of the worlds they would explore would be Hunter x Hunter to acquire unique abilities. The power system of that world is more complex and useful considering there are types of Nen or aura in that world.

Putting that aside, it was fortunate that none tried disturbing their exploration in the mall. Ryuu decided to take them to an arcade for now since it would be fun.

"Where are we heading, Ryuu?"

Mitsuri asked, looking around feeling that people were staring at her making her anxious but Ryuu smiled.

"Ignore them since they just hadn't seen as beautiful as you."

"Wow, you're cheesy and cliche."

Mitsuri blushed while Justine exclaimed in a deadpanned cringing at her childhood and lover. Though, she finds it charming that he tries to ease Mitsuri's anxiety.

"Hey, don't ignore us!"

All the men curse watching get all the attention of the girls as Nezuko jumped to hug from behind making Kie worried.

"Nezuko be careful…we may not get hurt but other people might."

She slightly scolded her daughter who scratched her head. Nezuko was just so used to being with them that she forgets that they were in a public place.

"Sorry Kaa-san, I'll make sure to be careful next time."

"....I would prefer it if you don't pull stunts like this."

Nezuko only giggled while making her mother sigh in defeat knowing her daughter would try doing it again. Kanae laughed at the mother and daughter duo before turning attention to Ryuu.

"I'm eager to see what kind of 'fun' you're going to show us."

"Nee-san, please don't think of any perverted thing."

Shinobu only stared at her sister ignoring her teasing as they walked their way to the arcade. The people are a jump pack of children and teens playing that it was fortunate the place was large.

"What is this place?"

"It's called an arcade where you play games similar to festival games where you win prizes."

Justine explained that it was easy enough to understand, making them give a thoughtful nod. Ryuu didn't say anything anymore since she already explained how to move their way to the exchange of a token.

Behind the clerk who exchanged the token were prizes from simple toys to dolls and even accessories. Mitsuri looked around and spotted something she recognized.

"Hey isn't that yo-"

"Mitsuri, be careful now."

Kanae was near her, preventing Mitsuri from mentioning something about who they truly are. Ryuu raised his brow, turned his attention to where she was looking and saw that there's merchandise of the Nezuko statue.

"Well that is surprising but Ryuu can you get me that?"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm certain that I want that. How do we win the prize, anyway?"

"Well it's quite simple. You use this token to the games you want to play and get as many score points."

They only nodded despite having no clue of what he said and made justine laughed at him seeing his stupid face.

"Well how about we split into two groups, one with me and the other with you?"

"Are you sure? Don't you want to stay beside Ryuu?"

"I do but it's not like he's going to run and flirt with other girls right?"

"You made it sound like I have no self control."

"You don't."

Ryuu's eyes twitched and made his smile stiff before shaking his head. He took the coins and used it to flip who should be with who. In the end, Kanae, Kie and Nezuko were with Ryuu while Justine had Shinobu and Mitsuri.

"Alright, let's meet up here later once you've finished all your coins."

They nodded as he took the three with him to some crane games. Nezuko saw the stuffed toy and immediately felt fixated on trying it.

"Which one do you like?"

"The pink one."

Ryuu saw the pink Kirby stuffed toy and nodded as he inserted the token trying his luck to get the stuffed toy. Nezuko was excited when she saw the machine move and slow itself to the toy but it suddenly fell causing Nezuko to feel disappointed.

"It was so close!"

"Don't worry, it's normal to fail in the first try."

"So you use this to control that thing? Can I try it??"

Kanae curiously said before Ryuu let her play the crane games and surprisingly was doing quite a great job. They were anxiously watching when the claw grabbed it then slowly lifted the toy then…dropped.

"Oh come on! Why can it just grab it!!"

"Calm down. You're making a scene."

"This is quite difficult. Does this machine intend to fail every time you try to grab it?"

"Yeah most of these games are created to waste money."

"Ryuu please win for me!"

Nezuko cried out annoyed that the machine while Ryuu didn't say anything and inserted a token to place the games once again. It took him at least five tries until he finally grabbed the stuffed toy.

"Yes finally! Thank you, Ryuu!"

She excitedly said reward him with a peck in the cheek much to people passing by annoyances. Ryuu smiled, having a burning determination to win every game for them.

"How about we play different games?"

They nodded as Nezuko adorably hugged the stuffed toy between her breasts making those bystanders grow envious. Ryuu took them to one of the arcade them that was more fun than crane games.

"This game is for heading every mole that pops up."

"Oh interesting…."

"I'll give it a try."

He nodded inserting a coin as Kie took the club and once the mole started popping out only did Ryuu realize his mistake as she alight smack them sound strong enough that it could have broken the machine.

'Note to self, don't let them play physical games.'

Ryuu stopped them from playing the games as their physical body is too much for the game to handle their strength. He opted to let them play racing games as they competed to see who would win the race.

'Once we finish shopping, we should head to the amusement park close by.'

He made the mistake of just bringing them in an arcade only recalling after seeing the arcade. His [ Eidetic Memory ] still isn't the best and he hopes for instant recall but for now focus on playing with them.

"I won't let you win! I'll have Ryuu's side for myself!"

"Competing with my own daughter is rather unpleasant but I don't want to lose."

"Fufufu too bad but I already won."

Racing among themselve in the racing games after Ryuu explained how to play it competed for their chances to hug his arms. In the two lost against Kanae who gave a victorious smile.

"I won fair and square."

"Don't be too disheartened, Nezuko. I'm fine if you have the other side."

"No, it's alright Kaa-san. I Lose but I'll surely win next time!"

She exclaimed as if her eyes would burst into flames. Ryuu only chuckled as they continued to play until he heard someone screamed and head there way to see a guy on the floor unconscious with few male trying to wake him up as Justine sneered at them and Shinobu look down in disdain while Mitsuri try to calm them down.

"Let me guess, cliche young master?"

Ryuu approached them as Mitsuri went for a hug while he focused his attention on the groups of guys.

"Yeah the bastard tried touching Shinobu but ended up beaten. I tried to warn them but dumbasses are always dumbasses."

"I-I tried calming them down but the guy kept disturbing us. I'm sorry if we cause trouble."

"No, it's not your fault. I'm happy that you're safe. Let me handle this."

Nezuko went beside Mitsuri as Ryuu walked his way to the groups of guys making sure the people were hypnotized. They were glaring at him as if he was some dirt that Ryuu sighed at how unlucky he's situation is.