Chapter 108 - Bickering

He confidently believes that Monarch won't do anything to something they don't have any knowledge of. They would observe like the Rulers to see if they're presence is worth noting. The thing that should be focusing is how they should go on and find a way to defeat them. 

They're strength is at least capable of easily defeating them with Lucifer only defeating most of them except Antares since he is well capable of destroying planets if not for the heavily enhanced world that is Earth in order to survive the world.

Fortunately they all had a system and a chat group in order to reach the level where they could defeat all of them. Also, if carefully planned then Ryuu can defeat at least one to two monarchs on his own. 

"Then how should we go on defeating them? Especially Antares since he seems close to Heavenly Dragon in terms of strength."

Rias only guessed since she never saw them and only based in legends and if those legends were to be true then Antares would be a difficult opponent to fight. Though, this only gives the perspective of strength since Ddraig and Albion abilities can make them a lot stronger than their initial strength. 

Ryuu nodded since from the canon, Jin woo had to go back in time and train even longer in hopes of finishing Antares of.

"We can do this if we train and plan things out. We have a year to prepare, which is enough."

At how rapid their growth is then it would be easy to reach a point where they can fight them. 

"Alright, we can't win if we keep worrying. It's best if we focus on getting stronger."

Erza said since she was also unsure if it was possible to win but then realized that her world is at least stronger than this world meaning she's at least stronger compared to being on Earthland and the same with Rias. Lucifer on the hand wasn't worried since she is immortal and unkillables. 

"Putting that aside, are we going to register as hunters and join a guild?"

Rias asked since it was the only option if they wanted to raid a gate. 

"Right, though I don't like it but this is an exception since it's only temporary."

Erza said since she didn't want to join another guild as her home was the Fairy Tail guild.  

"About that, I was thinking about making one so that we can hide our identity. If we get an evaluation then it's best to suppress your power as much as possible since S Rank Hunters are still rare."

They nodded considering none was there for fame nor money but to get stronger than before. 

"Then that settles it. Let's head to the city and make a fake identification and a place to stay."

Having finished the outline of their plans, they began to head their way into the city, taking them only a few minutes of walking to have some time for a chat. Shinobu was unfazed since she had seen the modern world before but was curious about the culture. 

Ryuu hasn't called his other woman since he first needed to make fake identities and a place for them to stay. 

Meanwhile, Erza felt like a child seeing the streets that weren't using any magic artifacts to power their vehicle and electronics. 

"Hearing about it and seeing it first hand is truly different."

Erza muttered looking around the streets seeing the tall building and completely different environment from what she's used to. The people didn't mind her wearing armor thinking that she was just a hunter but they were still eye-catching as all were beautiful women with unique hair color. 

She wasn't affected by it while Rias already used to it considering she's an heiress of the Gremory Clan and always experiences being the center of attention. Shinobu saw the people immediately went to wrap her arms around Ryuu making the men feel extremely jealous while Lucifer saw this and did the same.

"Hey what are you doing!?"

"What? Can't I also show my affection to my darling? You don't mind right, Ryuu?"

"He hasn't even accepted you yet so let go, you vixen!"

Ryuu warily smiled at the two being pulled and was fortunate that the [ Essence of Harem Protagonist ] prevented them from accidentally ripping him considering the level of strength each one had.

Meanwhile, Rias was jealous that she couldn't flirt with him when they were around him. She wanted to join but didn't want to act like her fictional self. 

On the other hand, Erza had already gotten distracted when she saw the street food and started to drool looking at them. 

"Hey, stop fighting. At this point I'll leave with Rias and Erza to let you two alone."

Ryuu left the two and approached the other girls who were looking at the street food as he used the system to convert his money to buy the food. It was a corn dog with cheese around it. 

"Thank you, Ryuu. But what is this?"

Erza asked curiously looking at the food in her hand.

"I don't know, this is the first time I visited Korea. But I believe it's a corndog with its own twist."

He said and took a bite amaze by the texture complimenting the taste of the hotdog inside and the buttery and cheesy taste of the outer shell. 

"Wait, your world doesn't have corn dogs?"

"Is it made of corn and dog?"

Erza hesitated to eat it thinking it was made from a weird mixture of corn and dog. Ryuu and Rias looked at each other and laughed a bit from her misunderstanding.

"No, no, it's not made of dogs but meat similar to sausage. Does your world have sausage meat?" (Rias )

"We do. Is it similar to it?"

"That's right, though it is heavily processed in machinery. Anyway, I don't know why it's called that way but I promise you it tastes good." ( Ryuu )

Ryuu reassured her as he took a bite of her food watching Erza reluctantly take a bite and immediately her eyes lit up from the taste. 

"Wow, I didn't expect to taste like that. This is quite delicious."

"Glad you like it. Now, where is…"

He turned his attention back to the other two who had been silent feeling guilty for acting childish.  

"Have you two decided to stop fighting?"


"Good. Now let's find a base of operation."


Unknown dimension. A group of entity's who appeared to be human wearing robes had pieces of golden armor that was more like an ornament than actual protective equipment with angelic six wings behind their back emanating a Divine glow around them looking at a globe above them. 

"It appears that unforeseen circumstances had occurred. How should we handle the situation?"

One of them spoke looking at the globe that changed into an image of Ryuu and his group walking down the streets. They were sensing strange and foreign energy within them that shouldn't belong to Earth.

"For me, we should observe if they become an ally or not."

"I agree, if we dispatch our vessel then it is destroyed then not only we antagonize a potential ally but lose some of our power."

"Indeed, even if they seem to be a threat beside the white hair woman, it would be best if we approach this with utmost consciousness and focus our attention preparing for the upcoming war."

They all agreed that these foreigners are not their priorities but remain conscious of their existence. The Ruler can't act rashly since everything could turn the tide of their victory against the Monarchs. 


Ryuu turned to look in the sky, sensing something as if someone was trying to spy on them. He already guessed it could be the ruler and decided to let them be focusing his attention on his group where his clone successfully found them a place to stay for the duration in such short notice which was a mansion with several rooms. 

The place had a large property with a backyard to train and explore that was on the edge of the town. He had hypnotized to easily buy the mansion rather quickly. 

There's even a pool and bathhouse reminding Rias of the place where she had taken her peerage to train. They hadn't even a day and already started to think how they'll react when she returns.