Chapter 131 - Battle 3

Shinobu witnessed the woman before from her inner world. She still had the air of mystery and intoxicating allure staring intently at her.

"Say my name…"

The woman spoke softly while Shinobu spiritual pressure that was blaring became tame and still like an overflowing water. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before opening them to reveal her eyes had changed where the sclera turned completely black and her pupil turned purple.

"Flutter, Kodoku No Hime."

A simple chant called upon Shinobu's Shikai turning his Zanpakuto bladeless that appears nothing had happened, however, it was already over to those near Shinobu and anyone that is her enemy. 

She was able to understand what are the ability of her Shikai releasing it completely causing the High Orc to freeze up and begin to erode despite their body try to resist using their resistance but to know avail.

"This is what her Shikai is like?"

Nezuko glanced back and saw the Shinobu atmosphere was completely different than before. Her strength became weaker yet denser at the same time. She didn't give off any killing intent yet this unnerving pressure. 

From the name itself, "Kodoku No Hime" which roughly translates to "Curse Poison Princess" and the Word Kodoku is actually a process used by sorcerers to mix several insects in a jar, and let them kill one another until only one survives. The one that survived would be the most potent and dead poison.

"That's Shinobu-san for you~! Well I shouldn't feel left out!"

Mitsuru remarked before blitzing her way through the horde of monsters, slicing them with her weapon that cut through their body like it was nothing. She was able to apply her magic into her sword, increasing its sharpness by several times. 

She created several multicolored spherical bomb around her as if they were truth seeking orbs instantly turn into blades slicing the enemy. 

How is it possible? The author said so. Thanks to [ Precise Mana control ] was able to shape and reformed her magic into anything she desired and control it with her mind. She didn't even have [ Multi-cast ] skill that helped with it yet manage to create 4 fairy blades that can assist her.

'What was that character that Ryuu told me about? Arelia?'

Having reminded her of a character that she found and had started to take inspiration in improving her swordsmanship. She already has level 10 from her breathing technique but now something has begun to awaken from her. 

Mitsuri movement began to change, more fluid, more elegant than before. Everyone watching her bare witness a spectacle that is unusual in a battlefield. Her blade behind her started to become more solid and sharper while her sword in her hands became like ribbon. 

[ Love Breathing awakened into Love Empress Blade technique ]

At that moment, Mitsuri's perspective changed and the way she moved became as fluid as the silk pulled by the wind. The blade around her slice apart the High Orc easily slaughtered a large number of them and even evaded their attack without even looking. 

'This is amazing! I actually awakened my Breathing style!'

Mitsuri was extremely happy that she grew stronger than before and continued to massacre hordes of monsters in her way. 

'She became a lot stronger than before…'

Rias saw Mitsuri move a lot quicker and less restrained than before. She was able to understand or at least guess that it was what Ryuu mentioned about superior skill.

She was envious of the girls around him even though he only knew him in person for several days but everytime they talk it always makes her feel herself. 

It may sound cliche that he overlook her character as spoiled and manipulative brat in the story seeing only the misguided and naive girl who only wanted to be herself while also proving as capable heiress.

Many people hate her because they don't understand her completely. She contradicts when she wants to be treated as Rias and not Gremory yet still takes pride in her family. 

When people are in her shoes then they would likely understand her actions. Though, not justify since it was still a naive and stupid decision but at least their hatred would lessen. 

'If this is the result of it then I need to train even more…I need to show Ryuu that I am not the same naive and spoiled girl that the story presents!'

However, even with all that and Ryuu accepting her still made Rias feel under deserving of it. He was too kind and thoughtful of her and always makes her special.  

'I need to prove myself to Ryuu and myself…I need…'

She said to herself and began to close her eyes concentrating trying to push herself to level up. Not many know this nor maybe it is not even in the main story, however, Rias has the best innate talent in her family's power but never able to shine because of her naivety and spoiled self. 

'...I….I shall destroy myself!'

But now, Rias decided to destroy her former self to create a new and better person than before. 

[ Destruction awaken into Destruction Empress ]

The High Orc in her vicinity was obliterated into nothingness as Rias awakened her power into superior skill. Normally it takes a long time to break through the wall but seeing the requirements had been met, Rias was able to unleash a large portion of her true power. 

She blitzed to the nearest enemy before dozens of spherical reddish balls formed from the monster as they're body was disintegrated. 

"I guess, Rias-san managed to find her true self."

Kie said proudly looking at Rias who began to defeat many of the monsters. She kept herself from distance healing and supported all of them. Kie cast a barrier around her that is able to hold the monster away. 

She then turns to the side and looks at Shinobu. It was only her Shikai yet was already this versatiles and because she's basically a Shinigami is capable of harming the souls of her enemies. 

Her poison is nearly invisible and unnoticeable unless your person who has a powerful eye ability would nearly be impossible to know if you had or not. For the antidote, only Shinobu is capable of making it.

She can revise, change and manipulate the poison to those infected that even if someone somehow produces an antidote could easily change it to a different poison.

Her current poison is the same that she was supposed to use against Muzan, the age accelerating poisons that cause the monster who's normal lifespan was 20 years. 

The only reason why they're not decaying is due to the fact they have resistance skills but it only slowed down the inevitable. 

The High Orc General noticed it's subordinate started to wane down decided to join the battle finding Nezuko heading towards him and vanished from it spot being inches away from her. 

{ Die Human! }

The High Orc general was about to kill her when suddenly his weapon passed Nezuko shocking her then Blue appeared biting the High Orc General's hands causing it to roar in pain. 

"Hahaha too bad, I'm invulnerable!"

Nezuko is an absolute cheat when it comes to her control over her magic since in the story of fairy tail, a long forgotten power of a certain character named Juvia was able to turn her body intangible with her magic. 

This pops the idea to Nezuko who replicated it but because of her Innate skill [ Flame Mastery ( Low Tier 7 B) ]. Though, it can't defend against strong magic attacks or enchanted weapons.  


A massive flames burst below the High Orc General who roared in pain as Nezuko called Blue and jumped on it before her allies arrived where Misturi came in and sliced the High Orc General Limbs then Rias arrived sending numerous destruction javalines into its body. 

The High Orc General didn't stand a chance against their destructive power and had been severely weakened by Shinobu's poison. 

In that moment, Rias collapsed from exhaustion but was caught by Mitsuri who was still able to move even after her sudden overuse of her power. 

"Greater heal! Are you two alright?"

Kie arrives along with Shinobu who dispel her Shikai moving closer to inspect the two since she was still someone who is well versed in the medical field. 

"Don't worry, they just over exert themselves. Nothing to worry about."

Shinobu reassured as took the time to take a breather looking far away where a massive power blare exploded.