Chapter 144 - Tawata Kanae

So slow and steady huh? Well alright then.

Though expect some skipped things like pressed conference and stuff.


"I am surprised that this place's security is subpar."

Within an underground facility that was highly guarded by magical circuits and technology that it would be near impossible. Unfortunately, it doesn't work on someone powerful who has dominion over space and time. 

Yaldabaoth, Ryuu's alter ego, had infiltrated the facility where the remains of Kamish reside. He was standing before a massive skeleton that still radiated a massive amount of magical energy. It was obvious the strength of this creature was around Marshal rank since Grand Marshal are rare and normally only have one. 

'Alright let's do this.'

He held out his hand and began to spread his biomass into the corpses, absorbing it into his body while exchanging fake bones that would slowly grumble in the future. Ryuu's [ Monstrous bone magic ] worked like a charm and finished within a few seconds then left the facility entering the dimensional gap. 

Yaldabaoth then locked the space around him creating a fake world where he took out Kamish corpses before beginning his creation. He began to reshape and create his own dragon adding it into his [ Plague Inner world ]. 

With his biomass and magical energy, Yaldabaoth was only able to create 4 Marshal Rank dragons. They're power can easily demolish an entire country like how Kamish devastated America the first time he emerged. 

They all bowed upon their birth having the power and abilities of Kamish and some. Yaldabaoth was pleased since he or more specially Ryuu always wanted a dragon mount. 

'It's really hard to use [ Space-time lordship] when my mind just deplete too quickly.'

The skills Ryuu acquired may be powerful but he is still limited by the amount of mana he can use. Though repeated use increases it at a rapid pace, it is still troublesome. Despite this he didn't mind as the power is quite useful and would eventually can be used how many times he wants.

However, Ryuu's gradual ascent to godhood prompted him to gain a divinity over flesh and would eventually be able to influence any flesh meaning that copying and adding other entities into his arsenal would eventually be much easier. 

Meanwhile, back to the main body, Ryuu was discussing with the other Hunters about the plan for the Jeju island raid had been revised and changed because Ryuu had interfered with the Japanese plan of sabotaging the Korean and caused everything to collapse. 

He suggested bringing his members that may be refuted but Cha Hae-in vouch that they are all capable of fighting even an S Rank hunter and shouldn't be underestimated. Though It can be dangerous, they  decided to let it be since Ryuu is the one going to suffer if something happened to them. 

"Hope you keep the side of the bet."

Once everything had settled, Ryuu and his group went back home but before mocking Goto about his bet then glanced at Tawata who flinched under his gaze. There was something that was drawing her and couldn't explain why. 

"You manage to bewitch another one. I wonder how Justine and the others will react once they find out."

Rias tried to tease him, having her arms wrapped around his arms. She had been clingy to him ever since they started dating and the same goes for Cha Hae-in but still feel embarrassed in public that's why he refrain from hugging him.

"She'll probably complain then accept and Kanae would just be interested in having similar names."

[ A/N: I'll call Kanae Kocho as Kanae while Kanae Tawata as Tawata ]

Ryuu knows his woman quite well and their reaction when it comes to his infinitely expanding harem as if it was the universe. 

"Aren't you anxious about the upcoming raid?"

Cha Hae-in changes the topic and is more concerned about the raid since she is still oblivious regarding the future events since Ryuu hasn't told her yet and wanted to share it once everything is over.

"I am certains they'll be some unexpected enemies which is why I changed the plans. I suggested bringing the others especially Shinobu in the raids since she will be useful against the ants."

Shinobu had the ability to tame the ants and the less intelligent they are the better. Though, it would be harder when the queen still lives but if the queen is able to be influenced then it's a bonus. 

'I hope the monarchs show themselves. It's quite tiring waiting for them.'

Ryuu thought to himself stretching his body while walking outside.

"How about we go on a date?"

"Do you really have to ask?"

Rias said as they soon spent their remaining time watching a movie. After their short date, Ryuu went back home where he told the girls about the plan and nodded warning them about the possibility of the monarch coming.

His [ Intuition ] is acting like crazy and knows that they won't let the opportunity go to pass. Ryuu aims to steal their essence then give it to someone who can use it like the Plague monarch for Shinobu and Beast monarch for someone in the future. He would still copy it before giving it to someone.

The next day, Ryuu was on his way towards the gymnasium to meet Hae-in. but she hadn't arrived and he saw someone training inside. He observed her engrossed in her training and appreciated every motion that she was doing. It was Kanae Tawata wearing a Sport bra and yoga pants that tightly hugged her body. 

'Jeez, look at her abs…'

Ryuu thought to himself looking at her well trained body and saw the effort she put in training. It's amazing how she was the minority to actually dedicate themselves to getting stronger just because they can't raise their ranks. 

It may sound weird but Ryuu taste in women always varies. He likes tomboy girls like Justine but also enjoys Milf like Kie. Ryuu doesn't discriminate since he loves all sizes. Why argue when you can have them all? Big or small. 

After 10 minutes she stopped and he approached seeing how exhausted she was and decided to give her a water bottle.

"Here Tawata-san." 

She took it but then looked at me.


She screamed in surprise, surprising Ryuu from the noise she just made. 

"I didn't know you had such a cute scream,"

He said chuckling which caused her to frown.

"I didn't know you had a habit of stalking people?"

She said while Ryuu just shrugged and said.

"I have been standing here for 10 minutes you were just too immersed in training," 

He kept looking at her. She was wearing a black sports bra and black pants. Her tattoo and toned body were on full display.

"Did you finish checking me out?" 

She asked as she looked at me trying to see a reaction but to her surprise.

"Yes, you look so beautiful I couldn't look away." 

Ryuu felt like he was Vandalieu who appreciated great muscle but had the same obsession as him. She was stunned hearing my answer and her mouth wide open.

"What did you think I would blush and stutter or something, how cute," 

He said as she blushed and shook his head changing the subject. 

"So you are a self-taught swordswoman?" 

He asked which caused her to become more surprised as she said.

"H-How do you know?"

"I am a swordsman you know. So I can tell when someone is self-taught or not." 

He said even though he uses more of a chain blade like Kratos still knows how to wield one. 

"I haven't seen you use a sword." 

She said he just shook his head and said.

"Cause I prefer to use chain Blade or dual daggers but I'm no slouch when it comes to the sword. Though, I have pointers about your techniques."

He said getting Tawata's attention. 

"And what would that be?"

"You lack trust in your sword and use too much strength. Your breathing is inconsistent, lacking the ability to utilize every ounce of your muscle causing them to feel stiff in some areas while relaxing in some."

Tawata was a bit surprised how accurate his words were since she does feel like he's lacking in many areas, namely her control over her body. 

"One of my lover is-"

Her ears perked up when she heard his words because she had to go back.

"What? One of your lovers!?"

Tawata is a bit jealous and angry that someone has multiple partners and couldn't help feeling disgust at Ryuu.

"Before you judge me, they're happy about the relationship."

"Hmph, anyway continue."

She decided to ignore his statement earlier since it's not like she would end falling for him right….right?