Chapter 165 - Japan Situation

The Orc knew it well, their primal instinct to know who was before them despite their ordered mind being controlled. The man that seems can easily be sliced by their mighty blade exude an Aura of dominance where their legs were shaking. 

"You've improved a lot and it's smart that you didn't use too much firepower."

Ryuu praised Jin-Ah who was blushing, hiding her smile. He then turned to face the Orc spreading his senses to see every single Orc then held out his hand in the air.

"Grasp Heart."

Having control over the circulation of blood allowed him to crush their hearts causing the Orc to cough out blood before smalling like flies. Jin-Ah jaw drops seeing how easily they were all defeated while Ryuu turns to show a big smile giving a peace sign. 

After a while, the Hunters arrive to find the Orc all dead and saw the S Rank Hunter Ryuu in the scene helping the children while healing those who would have a chance of surviving. He didn't try reviving the dead since he was already doing everything he could without making the situation worse.  

This also serves as a way for the Hunter Association to take action more thoroughly and give more freedom to certain girls like Ah-Jin guild. Ryuu was surprised that Jin-Woo didn't come and had to guess that he didn't sense the danger, especially how Jin-Ah was fighting the monster. 

They all went home where Ryuu walked Jin-Ah home with her and hugged his arms while he just awkwardly smiled and arrived at their new home only to dodge when a dagger came running to his face.

"What the hell do you think you're doing with my daughter, you bastard!"

il-Hwan was trying to stab Ryuu who just tried his best to dodge while Jin-Ah was too surprised to react looking at her father trying to kill Ryuu. 

"Hey, is this a new way to greet your son-in-law?"


Ryuu couldn't help it and ended up joking around where he tried to redirect and avoid his attack. It only ended when Kyung-hye walked out to find her daughter and her husband trying to kill Ryuu. 

She immediately went to stop her husband by grabbing him by the ear. il-Hwan gave up for the time being while Ryuu was invited to their home to explain the situation. 

They, more like Kyung-hye, thanked Ryuu for saving their daughter but he began to confess that she actually got magic that made il-Hwan angrier. He further explained everything, allowing them to nod and soon Ryuu left to return home. 

Three days later, Jin-Woo challenged the double dungeon and successfully got the Black Heart gaining even more mana making a Lot stronger than before. Ryuu wondered how he'll be able to communicate with Ashborn now that the timeline had changed but let fate decide since he'll eventually gain it. 

'The most troublesome thing is about to begin.'


The atmosphere in the Japanese Prime Minister's official residence was rather poor, as well.


The Prime Minister couldn't hold back his rising tide of anger and threw the remote control hard at the TV busy showing the breaking news.

"P-Prime Minister!"

His adjutants hurriedly got up, but they shut their mouths and sat back down once the Prime Minister's dagger-like eyes landed on them.

"Why isn't the Hunter's Association saying anything?"

The President of the Japanese Hunter's Association, Matsumoto Shigeo, weakly lowered his head. The Prime Minister's expression hardened.

"Goddamn it...."

Something that horrifying had appeared in the middle of Tokyo, yet the Association who should be in charge of such things, were keeping their mouths shut?!

"An S-rank Gate has appeared right in the heart of Tokyo! But, do you think it makes any sort of sense for the Association to not have a single countermeasure in place? How??"

The Prime Minister cried out in anguish.

Unfortunately for him, everyone present kept their mouths shut as if they had agreed to do so beforehand. It was clear as they have seen the Broadcast of the Jeju raid and those ants that appeared without any warning. 

Then those Human-like beasts whose powers were still not determined so they knew how many uncertainties an S-Rank gate has and The Prime Minister's expression crumpled unsightly, like a man carrying the weight of all the suffering found in this world before he collapsed down onto his chair.

"Be honest with me, Association President."

He then pointed at the cracked TV screen.

"What will happen if that thing opens upon us?"

".....It'll be the end, sir."

As he thought – the Prime Minister hugged his head and muttered out helplessly.

"So, that's how it is..... Just one Gate and the city of Tokyo is finished, is that it?"

"That's not what I'm saying, Prime Minister."


The Prime Minister raised his head to look, and Association President Matsumoto Shigeo continued with an emotionless voice.

"I meant to say that the entirety of Japan will be finished, sir."

"Can't we ask Korea for help?"

The prime minister asked Matsumoto.

"Y-yes we helped them so they will help us as well."

One of the ministers said as they suddenly found hope and then everyone started talking about how Korea should help them. But they failed to notice the cold sweat on Matsumoto's forehead, who was extremely nervous.

'I-It's alright they didn't know about the plan, so it will be ok.'

He became more Confident as he thought that his plans hadn't been found out. Unfortunately, Ryuu already uses [ Hypnosis ] on him confessing and erasing his memories while also stealing evidence.

"Leave the Negotiations to me Prime Minister."

He said as he stood up and then the prime minister said.

"Then we will release the news to seek help from Korea to sway the public opinion and force them to help. We only need to bring Henosis Guild, no one else matters among the Hunters there. From what we know, his members are Japanese and might be able to convince us to help us."

Matsumoto nodded as his back felt cold when he remembered the aftermath that they left on Jeju island.

'We only need to bring them. From the way, they acted on the raid by letting the rest of the hunters escape and save them. They are someone who cares for people's lives so I can manipulate them into coming here. And there's that girl from Goto's guild that he is close with.'

He thought as he was thinking of the ways to fool Ryuu and his guild. His unaware that his thought is being read by Ryuu from across the country and was laughing at his stupid thought. 

'No matter how much power you have, if you think naive you will only become a tool for others to use.'

He smiled arrogantly. Ryuu started to feel that Chinese syndrome is affecting the mind of japanese. 

"Ok then order the evacuation of the common people in Tokyo. We are going to clear this gate."

Prime minister said as the others nodded as if they have dodged a bullet. Then the meeting ended and Matsumoto went out and called goto.

"Goto, we need to go to Korea for negotiations. And bring Tawata with you as well. We will be leaving tomorrow morning." 

He said as he looked at the time and it was 8 P.M.

'Failure isn't an option here.'

Matsumoto thought as he went to get ready for the flight tomorrow. 


The only talk that dominated the media and social media today was the S-rank gate that opened in Shinjuku. It was pure chaos with people talking about whether it will be cleared or not, the common people leaving Tokyo masses blocking roads in every direction.

Many people were questioning the Association and Government about the countermeasures for this. It wouldn't have been this bad If people didn't watch the Jeju island raid where a single monster made 17 elite S-rankers look like children.

And the unexpected attack of 2 human-like beasts since the Ice monarch looked like an Ice Elf has pushed them off the edge as they felt that S-rank gates aren't something that common sense is going to work on. 

They have seen it first hand and if it wasn't for that one hunter the consequences would have been immeasurable just the thought of those monsters coming on the mainland gave them chills.

The Government and The Association were silent which pushed the anxiety of people further. And it became a discussion online about what will happen. This was the situation in Japan.