Chapter 172 - Shinjuku Gate

"Oh wow~! They're so big~!"

"I wonder if I could put it in my mouth?"

"Maybe it tastes sweet?"

"...can you two stop or people might misunderstand."

Ryuu said watching Nezuko and Mitsuri riding an Airplane for the first time acting like adorable children. Three days went by, they were currently sitting on a private 

airplane that the Japanese government sent to pick them up with Tawata  sitting in front of him and headed to Tokyo. 

In those three days, Tawata spent a week inside his [ Dimensional Training Room ] to help train her magic where she sparred with Justine. Tawata magic relied on the mana she stored and how much her mind could take that resulted in quite the training since Justine just overpowered her magic but both were stubborn and Tawata fought her relatively well. 

Her magic was at the level where she can manipulate Velocity, Inertia, Electromagnetic field, Etc. This was only basic and can change the weight of an object on whim and also accelerate or decelerate an object or people. 

She can even crush something within an object like heart and organs. Though, it takes her a lot of control. Regardless, her magic was perfect paired with her swordsmanship.  

"So this is how it feels to be inside an airplane."

Kie muttered trying to control herself despite her curiosity. She was also too embarrassed hearing her daughter's words. 

"Japan, it's been a while since we've been there. I wonder how it has changed."

Shinobu wondered since her time period was several decades in the past. Kanae nodded, hearing her sister.

"Shouldn't you all be worried about the raid?"

Tawata doesn't know how to feel seeing how laid they were. The gate they'll be facing could be catastrophic yet everyone has their own world where Rias and Lucifer were playing chess while Trese was reading a book about Japan and Cha Hae-in was sleeping. Erza was just eating her strawberry cheesecake.

"It's fine, stressing over it would just make things worse."

Ryuu twirls the red wine in his hands, tasting the bitter yet soothing alcohol akin to a blood. Tanjiro along with his wives were left to take care of the guild if they are ever needed with Yaldabaoth managing any paperwork.

"This will be like enthusiastically walking in the middle of the night in the forest."

"What the hell does that even mean?"

"It means we have to fuck shit up."

Justine joined their conversation while Ryuu just nodded and continued their flight. Ryuu decided to use his [ Gacha ] since he had been getting a lot of useless stuff. He rolled some of them getting like food and useless items that made him extremely frustrated.

'Dammir, this is just Fate all over again! Come on, give me something good!'

Unlike other members, Ryuu was extremely addicted to it and annoyed how he wasn't getting what he wanted. 

[ You have acquired Astoslfo Di- ]

Ryuu immediately frowned, wanting to kill whoever invented [ Gacha ]. It made him extremely annoyed and gave a final roll and was surprised by what he got. 

[ You have acquired Corruption Magic ]

[ Description: The user can manipulate the powers of corruption to take a variety of effects on themselves or others. The user may take control of any darkness in the hearts of others to make them into their servants. 

The user can even become stronger with the darkness and corruption of others by just being around them. The user can even influence the corruption in a means of combat purposes, energy attacks, or corruption techniques. ]

"Are you alright, Ryuu?"

Tawata saw the distressed in Ryuu's face wondering what's causing to make such an expression when he often has a laid-back atmosphere.

"I-It's nothing, I just thought if I left the stove on."

"Who the hell's going to believe that bullshit!"

Tawata shouted while Ryuu just shrugged before returning his attention to the new magic that he just acquired.

'I have so much power that can be considered Evil! What's Next, Evil magic…. Fuck I'm raising flag am I?'

Ryuu cursed at the new magic but gave up since he'll use it against his enemy and never those important to him. He grew worried about what his parents would say about his venture. 

After a while everyone arrived in the airport where reporters were trying to get a scope of the situation.

"Mr. Cinco, what nationality do you represent and why don't you remain in Japan instead when it is your family roots"

He stopped when a reporter gave an interesting statement that made the person nervous at how Ryuu emanated such a different aura around him.

"I do not represent anyone other than humanity. That is all I can say."

Ryuu said, walking past them where his woman followed. He isn't Korean nor he is Japanese, he's just himself. They soon find Goto who came to pick them up in the airport. 

"So have there been any plans for the raid?" 

He asked him as they headed outside the airport. 

"Yes the barricading has been done, and with the evacuation of the civilians finished all we have to wait for now is for the gate to open,"

He said and Ryuu nodded there still three days until the dungeon break and glanced at Tawata. 

"How about giving us a tour of Tokyo?" 

He asked Tawata who gave him a smile.

"Well sure you need to know the surroundings anyway." 

She said with a smile but before all that they went to meet the prime minister and the cabinet. 

After an hour of formal chatter. He left the room with Tawata as his girls wanted to look around Tokyo but first he needed to see the gate. 

They made their way towards Shinjuku and he saw the massive S-Rank gate that he knew had the Giant Monarch but needed to confirm it. Ryuu wanted to fight it for some reason but he still had to fight the giant first. He glanced at Tawata who felt a bit tense. 

"Don't worry about it. We'll finish it quickly." 

He said which caused her to scoff.

"I think you're the only one who would say something like that."

Tawata crosses her arms, finding his words to be quite arrogant. Normally an S-Rank gate takes a while to finish since they'll be fighting quite a number of stronger monsters. 

"This is going to be exciting, I can finally fight stronger enemies."

Justine stretches, feeling eager to cross fist with giant while wondering how far she'll go using her magic. 

"Has the whole place been evacuated yet?"

Erza asked since the most important thing with this raid is the civilians that could die in the ensuing fight. 

"We're working on it, some of the elder refuse to leave their home."

Tawata clicked her tongue at the stubbornness of some people while Ryuu understood their reason for it. He stared at the S-Rank gate and just noticed how it spewed even more magical energy. 

"We can put that aside for now and show us around Tokyo."

Erza said she was interested in what the place would offer while calming Tawata since they are going to do their best to minimize the collateral damage if ever.

Tawata nodded and took everyone around Tokyo with Nezuko and Mitsuri's eyes glistening in excitement as well as Rias who try to hide her Japanophile but she was happy that none judged. 

No one would even think that three days later would result in a large-scale battle against the giant. 


Some distance away from the Shinjuku gate on one of the high-rise buildings, A  man was looking through his binoculars towards the hunters that were gathered in front of the gate.

"Sam, see if the camera can record from here. How is the quality of the footage?" 

The man asked his partner who was setting up the camera to face the gate and adjust the final settings.

"Yup the quality is as good as it can be. So John was it necessary to take this assignment? I mean we are near an S-rank gate, anything can happen you know."

Sam asked, anxious that they might end in dying from the crossfire. 

"You don't look so nervous yourself. Well, it wasn't necessary, it is my dream to film an S-rank gate and we don't have to worry there are two National rank hunters here and one who is said to have the power of a National rank hunter." 

John said as he lit a cigarette and took a 


"Well they are just here to watch the one who is rumored to be on par with them and I seriously doubt he isn't. I mean he single-handedly wiped out the monsters on Jeju Island while saving other hunters as well. And stop smoking you bastard didn't you quit smoking."

Sam shouted at his companion.

"Well, It won't hurt to have one today," 

Sam said with a smile and John shook his head then they looked towards the gate that cast a shadow over them.